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Azriella De'Bardi POV

I walked into a club/casino run by my dad.

I looked around and I could see Dad with various girls.


He was always like this even when he was with my mom. He couldn't see me, which is good for now but with this make up on

I don't think he can recognize me.

I will sit farther away from him but also close so that I can see and hear even better what he is doing.

I've been sitting here for an hour, he didn't look once at me and he didn't look away from the money or the girls around him.

How nasty this man is yikes.

"Azriella" said Axel over the ear speaker.
I looked around to make sure no one was watching.

"I'm here. What's going on?" I asked with my hand over my mouth so that no one could see me talking,
they would think I had imaginary friends.

"There are no guards in front of his office door so we've managed to break in now. If you see him going somewhere you have to distract him and don't worry he won't recognize you" Axel said.

I answered in the affirmative and kept looking at Dad to keep him from accidentally heading to the office.

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