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Azriella De'Bardi POV

I laughed sarcastically at his comment to become his wife.

"You can only dream, Mr. D'Angelo" ...

"I've never seen so much confidence in anyone but you" I called him a Mr. of sarcasm,

which obviously bothered him.

"Okay, it's time to sign the contract"
he nodded and returned to the table.

The contract was signed and lasted for six months.

First he extended his hand and so did I.

Our hands were as if made for each other and our eyes were not separated.

I interrupted the discomfort by coughing.

He then said

"tomorrow your new job starts which lasts for six months, and you will live with me for those six months".

I looked at him in shock.

He plans for me to live with him, only in his dreams.

When I set out to deny it, he said.

"And there's no no, that's the contract"

he said and stopped at the door,

"tomorrow at eight in the morning the driver is waiting for you" and he just left.

Wonderfully now I have to practically be his menial, he can't do that to me,

I'll show him who is Azriella De'Bardi.

Now that I think about it maybe marrying him is not bad, even though I won't be ashamed of my last name because of my father, joke.

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