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Azriella De'Bardi POV

As I followed him my head was spinning a lot.

I remembered that maybe that asshole put something in my drink. But then I got it out of my mind when I saw that my dad didn't go to the office but somewhere upstairs.


But then I slowed down a bit to see if Matteo and Axel had found everything they needed but I kept following him.

"Matteo, Axel have you found everything you need?" I asked quietly because maybe Dad can hear. I didn't get an answer for the first few minutes but then they answered.

"We are nearing the end soon so you will be able to leave the club but stay tuned" Matteo said.

I didn't answer him because I know he knows I received what he said. It was getting harder and harder for me because my head was spinning.

I could barely walk as much as everything was spinning in my head.

Dad stood slowly climbing to the roof.
I squeezed the knives because I didn't know if Reign was following me. Dad turned while he had a gun in his hands pointed at me.

I reflexively pulled out the knives.

When I started walking towards him, someone grabbed me from behind and put a gun to my head. I turned my head and saw the annoying one next to me.

So Dad was ready for anything...

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