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Azriella De'Bardi POV

I kept sitting and looking at my dad.

He didn't do anything.

Everything as before.

"What is the beauty doing alone?"
An unknown voice next to me asked.

I rolled my eyes and turned to face him.

There was some unknown man maybe a little older than me.

"Why does a boring man bother beauties?" I answered boldly looking back at my dad. The guy next to me laughed and drinked a drink at the ex.

He had the same hair and eyes as Reign.
But Reign is Reign.
No one can surpass his beauty.

God what am I saying.

"What's interesting about that old grandfather" the man said looking at Dad.

There is nothing interesting of course.

I wouldn't be watching him if I didn't have this horrible mission. I looked at him sharply and without looking back continued to look at Dad.

I looked and saw that my drink was drunk so I'm going to order a new one,
I'm bored anyway.

"New drink please" I raised my hands I said to the guy doing it. And again I turned to Dad so he wouldn't accidentally run away until my drink arrived. Dad started to get up and I drank my drink at the ex.

I didn't see the guy who bothered me,
he noticed that there would be nothing...

I picked up my things and went after my dad and he went alone.

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