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Reign D'Angelo POV

And then she fell.
Ella fell from the building.
And that's because of my enemy and obviously hers.

When I blinked they were gone.
So I ran to the place where he threw her.


There is nothing. There is no sign of her body.

What happened here?

"Axel, Sin, Matteo come to the corner of the club. I'll be there in a minute, start the car" I said running down the stairs of the club.

She's alive I know I just have to find where she is.

I got in the car and immediately all eyes were on me.

"What happened bro? Where's Azriella?" Matteo asked. I looked at him palely and said

"We don't have time, Luca De'Bardi kidnapped her. We have to find her."

Azriella De'Bardi POV

I open my eyes slowly with a big pain in my head and a blur in front of my eyes.

Where am i?

I looked around and could see that I was in a cell.

I could always recognize the cells.
This is..


He kidnapped me.
I knew he had it in mind.
I stood up slowly, clinging to the wall.

I looked around and there was nothing but the mattress I was lying on and a small window.

It was so small that not even I could get through it.

I won't be able to get out of here unless someone comes to rescue me.

Reign come. Please?

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