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Azriella De'Bardi POV

We arrived in front of the club and they had already told me to go find that Russian guy.

They showed me a picture and he is about in his early thirties, it won't be hard to flirt with him.

Nothing is difficult for me.

When I came in I looked all over the club when I suddenly saw a Russian guy..

I headed to the bar and ordered vodka as I tried to come up with a plan on how to get his attention..

There were various half naked girls around him,
so he didn't pay attention to anything else.

I went to the podium near their table and started dancing to get his attention.. I attracted his attention a little bit, but I was more to the others at the club than to him.

I felt that same look somewhere on the side again...Reign is looking at me.

I was annoyed that this Russian guy didn't pay attention to me, so I remembered something...I went back to the bar ordered a drink and pretending to be annoyed went to the Russian guy to give it back to him.

I put the glass on the table that it was pounding so hard that I caught his attention, that's exactly what I need.

"How dare you send me a drink" I said, pretending to be disgusted...He looked at me questioningly when he removed the girl from his lap.

He straightened up and looked at the others first then at me.

"I'm sorry but I didn't send anything" he said scanning me with a look all over my body, ew.

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