Who the fuck is THAT bitch!?!

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"Why do I have to suffer?". Namjoon asked me. "Why not?". I laughed. "There's so many things I want to buy!". Jin squeals, jumping up and down. "Joonie! Buy me something". Jin tugs on Namjoon's arm. "Of course it's me". Namjoon groans. "Yeah, yeah... Stop talking and help me find a wedding gift for my...". I stopped talking cause I saw my wife, Park Jimin walking in the mall.

"Joon! Joon! Look! It's my...".

I saw some guy put his arm around MY wife shoulder and I hissed

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I saw some guy put his arm around MY wife shoulder and I hissed. "Who the FUCK is that bitch!?!". I yelled. "Who the fuck does he think he is!?!". I shouted. "Lower your voice". Namjoon said. "Nah, fuck all that". I said and watched them talking and shit. "Look at him... He look like he stink". I said and Jin was wheezing. "Really?". Namjoon says. "So-sorry". Jin said.

"Where he going with my man?". I said when they go in a store. "Why he touching on my man?". I growled. "Why he near my man?". I huffed. "I hate that man". I crossed my arms. "You'll be fine". Jin pats my shoulder. "Change of plans, we following them Joon". I said. "I just...". I grabbed both their arms and dragged them along. "All I did was sign for the job... Not sign my life away". Namjoon sighs.

We followed them to a food court after following them for about two hours. "Look at them". I angrily stuffed french fries in my mouth while glaring at that man who was with my wife. "Who does he think he is?". I continued to eat my fries. "Jimin is MY wife, everybody knows that". I said. "But the wife apparently". Namjoon said. "Just look at him". I scoffed. "He's mad fucking ugly". I said. "I'm better then him... At everything".

"He think he can just take my man like that and get away with it?". I snatched Namjoon's fries cause I ate all mine. "Can't even eat". Namjoon says. "I'mma kill that man, just watch me". I swallowed Namjoon's fries and took Jin's. "You... Did not". Jin took a deep breath. "Making eat like this". I said. "I have a image to maintain". I glared at the man. "Bitch owe me money". I said. "Bet he don't even have a job". I said.

"His cat hair is standing up". Jin said. "He's not a... Oh wow, his hair is sticking up". Namjoon said. "That's so fucking cute". Namjoon laughed. "Aww, who's the cute angry little kitty?". Jin touched my cheek and I bit him. "OW!". Jin screams and punched me in my throat and I start choking. "Joonie! He bit me!". Jin whined. "And you punched him in his throat while he was eating!". Namjoon yells.

"Yeah but he bit me!". Jin huffed. "Oww". Jin pouted and showed Namjoon his finger. Namjoon sighs and kisses Jin's finger. "Better?". Namjoon asks. "Yes". Jin beams and I wheezed. "Die". Jin said. "Ruining our beautiful moment". Jin scoffed. "Can't buy you things if he dies Jin". Namjoon said. "Save him you bastard! Why are you just standing there!?!". Jin yelled. "I'm fine". I glared at him.

"It was just a hair ball? Should have said that". Jin huffed. "You're so lucky I can't fight you". I told him. "Ready when you are". Jin smiled at me. "Yoongi". Namjoon calls me and I looked at him. "I suggest that you work on your album cause I saw that guy with Jimin twice". Namjoon said. "I'm sorry?". I blinked. "Yeah, and I heard he was from a royal family". Namjoon said and my eyes widened.

"Really now!". Jin eyes shined. "Try me". Namjoon growled at him and Jin shivered. "Stop fucking flirting and let's go". I said. "I don't care about his title, I'm already married to Jimin". I said. "Umm, that's not correct". Namjoon said. "In my mind I am and my mind is genius and is already predicting my future". I smirked at him. "Now, come along groupies". I said. "No the fuck I ain't". Jin says.

"Don't need you". I grabbed Namjoon's arm and walked off. Jin stood there watching them leave and smirks. Jin pulls out Namjoon's credit card and giggles.

"Thank you Joonie".

Instagram love story (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now