Man babies

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I decided to take charge and went over the little couple's house and made myself comfortable. "I got a smaller apartment to try to drive them away but they always come back". I sighed. "Look at this place!". I looked around, feeling sorry for myself. "My whole house looks like a closet compared to this place". I said. "And yet, they still wanna come over and eat up ma food and break my shit". I huffed.

"How the fuck did you get in here!?!". I turned to Taehyung, who was, of course, wearing a gold and black Gucci robe. "The door". I replied. "When I broke in". I giggled. "You broke our door?". Taehyung says. "Do you want me to list all the shit y'all broke in my house?". I raised my brow. "What are you doing here?". Taehyung changed the subject and I scoffed. "See... I was here to ask why y'all were avoiding me but then on the way over here... I no longer cared".

"So instead, I'm here to tell you all how beautiful and peaceful my life is since y'all left me alone". I smiled at him. "KOOKIE!". Taehyung screamed and nothing happened. "Kookie?". Taehyung called out again. "Hmm... No love, could never be me". I laughed. "KOOK! I'M ABOUT TO BURN...". "Give me back my man!". Jungkook appears out of nowhere and Taehyung immediately starts hitting him.

"Ow! What did I do!?!". Jungkook yells. "You come when I call for you!". Taehyung shouts. "Ok! Damn! I'm sorry!". Jungkook says, trying to shield his self. "Thank you". Taehyung giggles. "Now what's the man stealer doing here?". Taehyung glared at me. "Y'all really mad for that?". I blinked. "Childish". I rolled my eyes. "He was ours!". Jungkook shouted. "Mine now". I grinned. "You didn't even like him! You were SOOO disrespectful to our King and savior!".

"I like how y'all are mad at me and not yourselves". I said. "Why the hell would I be mad at me?". Taehyung asked. "If y'all just would have left me alone in my house instead of dragging me to that fan meet, none of this would have happened". I told them and they went quiet. "Y'all took me to a event where that was hosted by a guy that I disliked and y'all are blaming me? How cute". I laughed.

"Next time, when someone says no... Listen, to might save y'all some heartache". I got up from the couch. "I would invite y'all to my wedding but y'all would ruin it so... No". I said. "Bye now". I tried to leave but the babies grabbed my legs and started crying. "Oh my god". I groaned. "He's out man Hyung!". "He's the only man I'll ever love! You can't do this to your bestie!". "I'll pay you back everything I broke and stolen! Just don't ma husband away from me!".

"You be stealing from my house?". I looked down at Jungkook. "I be hungry!". Jungkook sniffed. "An-and you have nice things! I want the nice things!". Jungkook cries. "We'll behave just don't take our Yoongi away!". Taehyung begs and they both kept crying. I rolled my eyes and sighs. "Make me mochi and I'll think about it". I lied. "Ok!". The couple said and I completely forgot that Jungkook can't cook for dog shit. "Move Tae!". Jungkook yells.

"No! You move!". Taehyung kicked Jungkook right in the nuts and Jungkook drops to his knees. "You can't cook for shit no way!". Taehyung sticks out his tongue and ran off. "Ugh!". I looked at Jungkook who was groaning in pain. "I'll send you a postcard from my honeymoon". I pat his head. "You lied". Jungkook groans. "Damn right I did! Ha. Ha!". I ran.


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