My heart... My heart is

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"I don't want y'all!". I tossed my phone on my sofa and sink into my chair. "So this is what heartbreak is". I said. "I don't like it". I pouted. "This pain... That's all I feel". I whined. "I've been nothing but good to him, how can he do this to me?". I wondered to myself. "My God... You're a piece of shit". Namjoon says and I literally barked at him. "The fuck?". Namjoon looked at me. "Fuck you barking for?".

"You stole my wife from me!". I yelled. Namjoon raised his brow and laughed. "So you admit it! You bastard!". I shouted. "You want me to apologize for looking like this?". Namjoon scoffed. "No". Namjoon says and sits down. "Now, why are you acting like a bitch again?". Namjoon asked. "You fucking took my wife". I hissed. "Your "wife" wants me Yoongi so correct yourself". Namjoon said. "Give him back". I growled.

"I don't have him!". Namjoon yells. "We fighting over me?". Jin laughs. "Don't waste your breath Yoongi, I have my papi". Jin said. "I can assure you Jin... This isn't about you". I told him. "You... Need to worry about Caesar". I said. "No, Caesar needs to worry about me". Namjoon growls. "He got me fucked up if he thinks he can touch what's mine". Namjoon cracks his neck. "He's a hum...". "Mind your business Yoongi". Jin glares at me.

"But...". "He can fucking claim me, I claimed him too so it's fine". Jin shivered. "Aren't you trying to claim Jimin?". Jin asks and my mood drops again. "I don't have Jimin, he doesn't love me... This sadness... Is so darkening". I said. "Nah". Jin tries to walk out but Namjoon grabs. "You did it, fix it". Namjoon said. "Names Yoongi, not it". I said. "I don't want to". Jin whined and Namjoon sighs. "Look, you said you we're serious about him right, so just prove it".

"It's over, there's no hope for me anymore". I got up and got my phone. "What are you doing?". Namjoon asks. "I'm going on tinder". I replied and Namjoon snatched my phone away so fast. "Don't be like that". Namjoon says. "I can't compete with you". I told him. "Oh I know that but still keep your chin up". Namjoon says and I turned to him. "Was that supposed to make me feel better?". I asked. "Feel better?". Namjoon tilts his head.

"This is painful". Jin groaned. "Look, you know where he works right?". Jin asks and I nodded. "Go to him and tell him, like the man I thought you were, that you like him". Jin says. "Can y'all stop making me feel bad?". I asked. "No". The couple said. I sighed and rubbed my head. "I mean... I guess I can". I said. "I'm proud of you! You're growing up!". Namjoon hugged me and since I was a LITTLE bit smaller then him, my face was in his chest.

"Joon... Get your hot man tiddies off me". I said and Jin laughed. "They are biceps!". Namjoon shoved me away. "No, they are tiddies... Big double D's too". I said and Jin was on the floor. "This is what I get for being nice to your ass". Namjoon huffed. "Now if you two will excuse me... I'm going to make love to my wife". I told them and they stared at me. "You mean meet right?". Jin said. "How else am I supposed to fuck him? With a dildo? Jin, don't insult me".

"H-he didn't mean it like that". Namjoon says. "Then he shouldn't have spoke". I huffed. "This mother...". "Bye!". I laughed and ran out my office. Jin groans and Namjoon laughs at him. "Hope a wasp stings him in his throat". Jin said. "Actually... Wasps". Jin walked out before Namjoon could finish. Namjoon pouted and plays with his fingers.

"Sorry for being smart I guess".

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