My new best bitch

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"Wow". I looked around the vip restaurant room in awe. "Don't get used to it". Hoseok says and my mood dropped real quick. "This is a contract deal perk ONLY, after you help me and I think about helping you, you will never see this place again". Hoseok said and sits in a chair. "Ruthless". I said. "As I should". Hoseok says and crosses his legs. "Now... What type of hideous monstrousty am I dealing with?". Hoseok asked.

"Well, I don't know much about him but his name". I told him. "And that is?". Hoseok asks. "Caesar Wu". I replied. "This motherfucker is named after something I don't even eat". Hoseok groaned. "Good evening Sir Hoseok". A waiter says. "The regular?". He asked. "Yes and get my guest a glass of luke warm hot warm water". Hoseok said and I looked him up and down. "Room temperature water would have made the cut". I said and Hoseok giggled.

"Damn... You made me laugh". Hoseok sighs. "Order what you want". Hoseok says. "Fried chicken, mochi and a caramel macchiato please". I told the waiter. "But... We don't make caramel macchiatos". He says. "Well guess who's going to the store". I said and Hoseok chuckled. "But...". "Why the fuck are you still here?". Hoseok asked and the waiter rushed out the room. "You made me laugh twice, one more laugh and you got yourself a friend".

I looked Hoseok straight in the eyes. "Yoongi". I said and Hoseok lost it. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!". Hoseok was on the floor in tears. "Hahahaha! Even that motherfuckers name is a joke! Just like his life!". Hoseok was gasping for air and I tried not to laugh but I did. I kid you not, it took us about half a hour to stop laughing. "Ha, ha, ha". Hoseok dries his tears and tried to breath. "Ok, ok, you win... You have a bad bitch as your friend".

"Praise Joon!". I said. "You like Namjoon?". Hoseok says. "I LOVE him". I said. "You have immaculate taste". Hoseok nods. "Now, since I'm a sadist, I MUST hurt Yoongi in every way imaginable". Hoseok said. "Take a picture with me, so it can go to the Gram".

 "Take a picture with me, so it can go to the Gram"

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"Pathetic". Hoseok and I said. "I don't even like him and he's out here thinking that I work with him? Sad". Hoseok said and turns off his phone. "Why did you do that?". I asked. "He's gonna blow up my comments and when I don't reply, he's gonna call me". Hoseok said. "Shit... I should have blocked his number". Hoseok said. "Meh, I'll do that later". Hoseok said. "Now, Jimin...".

"Wanna spend the day with me?".

Instagram love story (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now