This is why I hate people

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(Yoongi's pov)

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I was in my room, sleeping... Til I wasn't. "I AIN'T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF Y'ALL! Y'ALL AIN'T GOING GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF ME! AHHHHHHHHH!". I rose out of bed like the undertaker and turned my head to look at my door, which got kicked open.

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"Oh? You're up". He smiled at me. This piece of shit is Jin. He's dating one of my closest friends. "I made breakfast, so you have to go out and eat somewhere else". Jin said. I slowly reached for my draw, opened it and grabbed the first bag I felt. I opened it and saw that it was marbles. I nodded and started to throw them at Jin. "HEY! STOB! JOONIE!". Jin screams and runs. "Shit...".

I dragged myself downstairs, trying to beat Jin from telling his boyfriend but I saw Jin standing like a statue in the middle of the hall. "What are... Ohhh". I snickered.

 I snickered

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"He's to big for...". "I'm about to suck the life out of him". Jin and I looked at each other. "The fuck dude?". I said. "He's asking for it!". Jin yelled. "Why are y'all yelling so early in the morning?". Namjoon asked. "Why you got your legs open like that?". I retorted. "Is there a problem?". Namjoon raised his brow. "Ye...". I was quickly punched in the face by Jin. "Bitch!". I hissed. "Ain't no problem zaddy!". Jin says.

"You just wanted to make sure that I was comfy". Jin said. "I don't...". Jin sat on Namjoon's lap and smiles. "Ok". Namjoon chuckled. "You fucking punched me". I rubbed my face. "Want me to say sorry?". Jin asks. "Ye...". "Got me fucked up". Jin scoffed. "Ok". I sniffed. "Hey best friend!".

 "Hey best friend!"

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"Hoseok". I greeted him. "That's how you fucking treat me?". Hoseok asked. "After EONS!?!". Hoseok screamed. "I should break your shit". Hoseok huffed. "That's what I was saying". Jin said. "Y'all can eat my dick". I said. "Not even if this planet was on fire and that was the only way to save it". Hoseok says. "That's crazy". Namjoon says, texting on his phone. "Really!?!". I yelled. "I know right?". Namjoon said, still on his phone.

"What are you doing Joonie?". Jin asks, trying to look at Namjoon's phone. "Here baby". Namjoon gave Jin his phone. "You're so cute". Jin giggled and takes the phone. "Why are there so people out there?". Jin asked. "Cause a certain person leaked his fan meeting location". Namjoon says, looking at me the whole time. "Hey man". I shrugged. "Are you crazy?". Hoseok asked. "Your fans will kill people out there!". Hoseok yelled.

"Umm...". I turned to him. "My fans have a name, so address them the right way". I said. "And it'll be fine". I told him. "My Minyahs, that's their names, are good people". I said. "They set someone's car on fire". Namjoon said. "It was a all black car parked on my property, who knows what was in that car". I said. "They got two men arrested". Jin says. "They messed with me in public, well deserved". I smiled.

"They almost ran a guy over". Hoseok looks at me. "See, you gonna have to be more specific with that one cause that happened more then once". I told him. "What!?!". Hoseok yelled. "I didn't know that so don't ask me". Namjoon said. "You know me well". Jin laughed. "Your Minyahs are psychopaths". Jin said. "Aww, thank you". I said. "That... Did that sound like a compliment to you?". Jin asks.

"Yup cause it's better then calling them crazy". I grinned. "Are you sure?". Hoseok tilts his head. "I will not let y'all bad mouth my babies". I huffed. "Now... Y'all start getting ready, I got the whole country to address". I told them. "I'm not...". "Goodbye!". I waltz out the room happily, just to come back. "By the way...".

"I hate you all".

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