He... But why?

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Yoongi's pov

Yoongi's pov

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I went after Jimin and saw that he was being crushed to death by Jin and Hoseok. "Ca-can't breath". Jimin wheezed out. "Yah!". I went over to them and yanked Jimin away from them. "He couldn't breath you bastards!". I yelled. "Hobi... Get your untrained dog". Jin said. "I told you to put him down". Hoseok rolled his eyes. "I fucking hate you bitches". I said and they laughed at me. "Good, marinate in my hatred for you".

"My God Hoseok... What the hell did I do to you?". I asks. "What? We playing". Hoseok says. "Aww, y'all are so cute!". Jimin giggled. "Wanna tell us why Jimin is here anyway?". Jin asked. "And I didn't hear him". Hoseok crossed his arms. "Why would you need to hear him?". I raised my brow. "Cause I'm a sociopath that likes to listen to porn, not watch it". Hoseok grins. "You're fucking scary". Jimin said. "I know right!?!". Hoseok chuckled.

"Anyway, sorry Jin for eating your biscuits". Jimin says. "Why are you apologizing? Yoongi should be the one apologizing". Jin hissed at me. "I was feeding my baby". I huffed. "When did you get a baby?". Hoseok asked. "Fucking hate you". I said and Hoseok laughed. "My heavenly Angel from God his self!". Caesar ran in and Hoseok let out the biggest groan I every heard from him. "Who the fuck let this dog in my house?".

"I WAS waiting for a certain SOMEONE to meet me downstairs but he didn't show up".

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"Mmm". I heard Jimin moan and I whipped my head in his direction. "Oh shit, I'm sorry Joonie". Jin said. "It's fine". Namjoon says. "So why is it here!?!". Hoseok yelled. "I... Honestly don't know where he came". Namjoon said. "Hey zaddy". Jimin says. "Wha?". I whined. "Why is Jimin here?". Namjoon asks. "He's my...". "I wanted to see my zaddy aka you". Jimin cuts me off. "Wha?". I whined again. "I want drama... And violence". Jin said.

"Caesar fucked Jimin before I did". I said and everyone turned to him. "I never fucking touched him!". Caesar shouted. "Liar! He told me!". I yelled. "Well he lied to you". Caesar said. "And if I was going to touch someone that wasn't my Queen, it will be Jin". Caesar said. "Keep his name out your mouth". Namjoon said. "I was...". "I don't care if it was joke, keep his fucking name out your fucking mouth". Namjoon glared at Caesar.

"You can fuck our couch, our broom... Hell you can have Yoongi". Namjoon says. "Can you please stop trying to pass me around". I said. "But him...". Namjoon pulled Jin closer to him. "He is mine... And only mine". Namjoon said. "And you can't fucking share all that!?!". Jimin yells. "I am RIGHT here!". I yelled. "Who are you!?!". Jimin shouted at me and I gasped. "Can't you see I'm talking to my husband". Jimin said.

"I AM YOUR HUSBAND!". I screamed. "You clearly don't like it cause ain't no ring on it". Jimin flashes his empty left hand at me and my mouth dropped. "It's Bey time!". Hoseok squeals. "Let go Jimin". Hoseok says. "Coming Hobi". They linked arms and skipped out the room. "What happened to all the jewelry I bought with you!?!". I asked Caesar. "Pawned it". Caesar replied. "Yo-you...". I grabbed my chest. "Yeah...".

"You're welcome".

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