A date with Yoongi???

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"Oh my God!". I gasped. "I'm gorgeous!". I giggled. "God doesn't have favorites, bitch look at me". I said. "I'm expensive as a person, a meal as a person, a DIME as a person... I'm pretty much everything". I said and froze when I heard a knock on my door. "God damn it". I groaned. "I can already feel my frustration fighting my blood pressure right now". I rubbed my head. "Why they gotta still be alive for!?!".

I dragged my feet to the door just to Yoongi standing there. "Nah, this a set up cause I did NOT tell him where I lived". I said. "Jimin? It's me, Hoseok gave me your address". Yoongi says. "How the fuck he get my address!?! Motherfucker wasn't even here be... Caesar that fucking little simp". I clicked my tongue and opened the door and was greeted by white and peach roses. "Oh". I stare at them in surprise. "You like them?". Yoongi asked.

"Ye-yeah". I say, completely stunned. "They're beautiful, thank you". I said. "You're welcome". Yoongi says. I took the roses, still a little confused. "Come, our reservation isn't til six, so we can take a little drive while we wait". Yoongi said. "O-ok". All the scenarios I had in my head vanished. 'The fuck is happening?'. I asked myself and Yoongi placed a hand on my back and guided me to his car.

"Allow me". Yoongi opens the car door for me. "Th-thank you". I got in and he closed the door. 'God, what the FUCK is happening!?! My plan! THE PLAN!!!'. I was low key panicking. "Seatbelt on Jimin". Yoongi laughed. "Ri-right". I put my seatbelt on and Yoongi starts driving. "S-so... Where are we going?". I asked. "Somewhere, but for now look outside". Yoongi says. I tilted my head and look outside and gasped.

My neighbors had blue and white lights shining on their lawns that spelled my name. "H-how did...". I turned to Yoongi but all he did was smile. "No really when did you do this?". I asks. "You know our rule, we can't reveal our secrets". Yoongi says. I didn't want to blush, but I did. 'Fuck'. I covered my face with my hand. 'He's ruining my plan!'.

 'He's ruining my plan!'

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We arrived at a complete empty restaurant, which I understand cause he was Yoongi but he took me to a VIP room. "I-I thought we were gonna eat in the EMPTY restaurant". I said. "We are". Yoongi pulls out a chair. "We're still in the restaurant". Yoongi said. "So why did you clear it out?". I asked, sitting in the pulled out chair. "Just because". Yoongi said. "Ok?". I looked him up and down. "You can get whatever you want".

Yoongi hands me a menu and I took it. "I'm paying". Yoongi says. "I can pay my half". I told him. "Yeah, but I'm offering". Yoongi said. "O-ok". I hid my face in the menu and Yoongi chuckled. "I-I'll just have what you're having". I said. "Ok". Yoongi ordered for us and takes the menu from me cause I was still hiding my face. "Wh-what did you do that?". I asked. "Cause you're hiding your face from me, your date". Yoongi replied.

"I...". I cleared my throat. "Alright". I looked at him and he smiled at me. "There we go". Yoongi said. I felt myself blush and I sipped my wine to hide it. "Failed". Yoongi said. "I tired". I sighed and we laughed. "Now... Tell me what you do". Yoongi says. "Really? Didn't you come in my work place like a FBI agent". I raised my brow. "Like I had time to look around". Yoongi huffed and I giggled. "I took over my parent's pharmaceutical company". I told him.

"Really?". Yoongi says. "It's not as boring as you think". I said. "I don't know what that is". Yoongi said. "Are you serious?". I said and Yoongi nodded. "Sounds like a bunch of science and medicine things". Yoongi said and I stared at him. "Was I right?". Yoongi asks and I giggled. "You're so weird". I said and Yoongi grins at me. "So... You're not doing it cause your parents forced you to do it?". Yoongi asked and I shook my head.

"I was one of those kids that always wanted to follow in their parents footsteps". I said. "And besides... Learning something new would be too much work and I'm lazy". I said. "You don't look lazy". Yoongi says. "Get to know me and I'll show you how lazy I am". I said. "Oh? Are you giving me the chance to get to know you?". Yoongi says and I looked down. "That's not what I said". I said. "Yes you did". Yoongi laughed. "I never said you by name".

I smirked at Yoongi and his mouth dropped. "I'm hurt". Yoongi held his chest and I laughed. "Your order sir". When the waiter comes, he hands us a plate of lamb skewers. I blinked at the plate and looked at Yoongi who was putting on his coat. "What's gonna on?". I asked. "Come". Yoongi out his hand and I took it. "Where are we going? We just got here". I said. "I know but I need to take you somewhere before it goes away". Yoongi said.

"Take me... Where?". I asked. "If you're curious, grab your skewers and follow me".

 "If you're curious, grab your skewers and follow me"

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"Oh my god". I gasped. "I asked for blue and white but whatever". Yoongi says. "Who cares! It's beautiful!". I said. "I'm glad you like it but they still had one job". Yoongi said. "It's fine". I told him. "It's still really pretty". I gave Yoongi a smile and he grins. "Ok then". Yoongi said. "So... We're just taking a walk?". I asked. "Yeah, you ok with that?". Yoongi asks. "Yeah, it's fine". I said. "Ok then". Yoongi takes my hand and starts walking.

I looked down at our hands and blushed. 'Damn it'. I let out a small sigh and started eating the skewer. "Mmm!". My eyes widened. "Good right?". Yoongi asks and I nodded. "It's my own recipe". Yoongi said. "Really?". I looked at him. "You don't believe me?". Yoongi says. "Never said that". I said. "Oh o...". "I didn't expect Jin to help you". I cut him off and Yoongi walks away from me. "Wait!". I laughed and ran after him.

"I'm sorry". I tugged on his jacket. "But that was funny and you know it". I said. "Sure it was". Yoongi rolled his eyes and I giggled. "Come on". This time, I held my hand out to him. "Don't have get lost here". I said. Yoongi chuckled and took my hand. "Yeah, yeah". Yoongi sighs and leaned on him. "Meanie". I said. "Right back at you". Yoongi says. For the next hour, all Yoongi and I did was talk, eat ice cream and talk bullshit about our friends.

I was NOT expecting to have alot of fun with him but I did. "Damn it...'.

'My plan was ruined'.

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