4 | You should die

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On the other side of the city, Adane was in his office. He didn't get to see the face of the girl last night. She left early in the morning, only leaving her sea-blue emerald bracelet with her lemon and cocoa butter scent behind. 

A living, breathing trillionaire tycoon living in New York City.

Adane owned a lot of industries. The hotel where it happened was owned by him. He wanted to take responsibility for his actions last night, and by that, he meant marriage. His parents were on his back about being married and having an heir. Adane sat around the desk in his office awaiting the information about the sweet girl in the picture before him.

Before he left the hotel, he got footage of the corridor of his floor. The girl in the picture, Bella, had long dark hair on a head that was just about the size of his palm. She had bright sea-blue eyes, long eyelashes, and plump cherry lips. Looking at those lips, Adane felt the urge to kiss them again. 
Someone knocked at his office door.

"Come in," Adane answered.

His assistant Stephan entered the office. The office was as big as an apartment. It had a living area, a bedroom, and a bathroom at the back. If he wanted to, Adane could live in his office. The dominant colors were black and white.

"Good morning sir, here's the information that you asked for."

Adane took the information and told Stephan to leave. Stephan was quite curious, his boss was interested in a girl. He had been working for Adane, for 7 years flat, and plenty of women fell like rain around him.

Adane had been single for all twenty-six years of his life. He wondered what was unusual about this lady.  Adane scanned through the information about Bella, the more he read, the more he was interested in her.  He decided that after he came back from his three-month business trip, he would go and propose to her.

He knew that she was about to get married, but based on what he read about her, she was not the type to go and marry after cheating. 

Verona managed to coax Bella. Even though she was still crying, she had calmed down. Verona had not asked her what happened. She wanted Bella to tell her on her own.

"It's okay... where do you hurt?" You could hear that Verona cared by her tone.

"They hurt me. I don't want to live." Sobbed Bella.

"No Annabella I need you, you can't die."

"You need me." Bella showed a mocking smile.

"Why do you need someone like me? My life has no meaning."

"Don't say that, I need you to be my friend. I need you, I know you're not happy but that does not mean you should die. I know you're hurt and it hurts to see you cry. Don't live your life for those who hurt you, let them see that they've made you stronger. Let them know that you can live without them. Show them that you can be happy even when they're not there. Be you, live for no one. I've always looked up to you Annabella, and seeing you like this is burning my heart. If you want to vent your sadness, vent it on me, but remember you need to live for yourself."

The words of Verona gave Annabella a sense of comfort. She thought she had no one, but someone is there saying that they needed her. It would be hard for her to trust again, but now she needed someone to rely on. The pain that she was feeling was still there but she got to learn how to be happy without them.

Bella wanted to take revenge. She gave them her trust and showed them love, but they took it for granted and betrayed her. Now is the time for them to know her hatred. A flame of hatred was burning inside of Bella, but she did not want to let it fade. This feeling was a new feeling for her and she started to make her plan.

"Okay," she answered Verona.

Verona hugged her "I won't let you down."

This was the start of a new friendship.


By this time Carlos along with reporters from popular news stations went to the AB hotel, only to find that Bella wasn't there.

He called the men that were hired to rape Bella. They said no one came into the room, thus nothing happened. He was pissed. Their plan had not worked.

Kay, who was waiting happily in the hotel lobby saw Carlos exit the elevator. Her face beamed with joy.

"How was it? How did it look? Was she as ugly as I thought? I should have been there to see it. Humph." Kay was jubilant till she heard what Carlos said.

"She wasn't there. The plan failed."

"What! That Bitch, she can't do nothing right..."

"But... she went in the wrong room but some guy went in after. She didn't leave the room until this morning, her clothes were torn. It was evident that she slept with him. I managed to get a copy of the video of the corridor, it cost a lot but I got it. We can use it to persuade our parents to change the wedding plans. We can get married in a month."

The gloomy expression on Kay's face became a bright smile after hearing what Carlos said. She was going to take her sister's man.

'Ha, beat that now, Bella!'

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