30 | KISS

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Jane ran and hugged the kids. A smile hung on Ben's lips as he watched the scene. He had always wanted grandchildren and now he had four at once.

"Grandma Jane, do you live here too?" Charlotte questioned.

"Yes, this is my home." Being called grandma and knew that the title was hers. The smile grew brighter and brighter on Jane's face.

Bella realized what was happening. She was stunned, Ben and Jane were Adane's parents. Her looking at them now, she realized that Adane was quite similar to Ben. Yesterday, Bella knew that her children, Jane and Ben had a contract agreement so she wasn't surprised when Charlotte called Jane, grandma. Bella now knew why Jane and Ben were friendly before, they thought that her children were their grandchildren, and they were indeed correct.

"Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend Annabella, and these are your grandchildren." Adane knew that they already knew that the children were his but he wanted to show the title, he liked saying the children belonged to him.

Bella stood there not being able to control her red face before Adane's parents. 'Did he just say I'm his girlfriend? When did I agree to be his?' Bella questioned herself inwardly, but she knew she liked the way it sounded. "Hello aunt, hello uncle," Bella greeted them.

"I don't want you calling me aunt, I want you to call me mom, and you'll be my daughter-in-law soon."

Bella blushed harder as her heart felt warmer. Her mother treated her well in the past, but after the incident six years ago, her mother pretended as if she didn't exist. This is Bella's third time experiencing motherly love, first, it was from her so-called mother, then from Verona's mother, and now from Adane's. "Okay, mom," Bella answered.

Adane looked at Bella and chuckled lightly. She was really cute.

Ben and Jane took turns hugging their grandchildren. They waited for them for a very long time.

Even though it was way past lunch, Jane called the chef to prepare lunch, she wanted to have a meal with her newly extended family. Before having lunch, Jane and Ben took the kids to a corner and gave them some red envelopes filled with cash, they told them it was a meeting gift.

James and his siblings smiled. They liked being close to the older generation. That way they make more money, increasing the amount in their bank account.

The newly extended family had lunch, and lunch turned into dinner. They had a great time. Bella and the children enjoyed themselves. After dinner ended, Adane excused himself and Bella. Bella wondered what he was doing. Adane took Bella to the stairs,

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see, just close your eyes," Adane answered.

"Wait, I want to ask something." Bella bit her lower lip.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears."

"Why did you tell your parents that I'm your girlfriend?" Bella asked bluntly.

"Because you are," Adane smirked.

"I didn't agree to that. A person can't just start a one-sided relationship, both persons should agree, you just came out and said it, without asking me first, It is not really a..."

"Will you be my girlfriend Annabella?" Adane asked looking into Bella's eyes.

Bella didn't answer, she bit her lip again and zoned out, 'Did he just ask me to be with him, is this possible? Am I dreaming? This can't be true, I don't mean anything to him other than a one-night stand. I know I am the mother of his children but, is he messing around with me..."

"Bella." Adane saw that Bella wasn't answering so he called her softly. He still didn't get any response.

"Bella," Adane called a little louder but still no response. Bella was immersed in her thoughts. Adane was frowning. He felt Bella didn't want to accept him.

"Bella!" Adane called again, but Bella still did not respond. Adane put his hand under her nose, Bella was still breathing. He looked into her eyes and they were quite moist as if she was about to cry. Adane touched Bella's cheek and called her again. This time Bella came back to her senses.

"Okay," Bella replied, she didn't want it to sound as if she was too excited.

Bella opened her mouth to say something else, but before any words came, her lips were covered by Adane's. Adane kissed Bella's lips, they tasted like honey. Bella's eyes were wide open, she was shocked and was asking herself if this was really happening. Adane wrapped his hands around Bella.

Bella gave into the kiss and, her fingers started to tangle in Adane's hair. She had never felt as she did now, exploring the taste of Adane. Bella opened her mouth and their tongue met for a small moment before Adane pulled away.

Bella didn't like that, "Why did you stop?" Bella asked.

"Because I wanted to," Adane smirked. 'How else can you make a girl want you more?'

"But-but..." Bella wanted to say it was unfair but then she stopped.

"What? You want me to kiss you again?" Adane asked with a grin on his lips.

"No!" Bella blurted out.

"Are you sure?" Adane teased Bella.

"Um-no," Bella answered a little softer now, her voice was very low. She really wanted to say yes.

"Do you want to kiss me?" Adane smirked again, "My lips belong to you..."

Before Adane could finish speaking, Bella placed her hands behind his neck and pulled him closer to her. Adane looked into her eyes.

Bella could feel his breath stirring on her skin. She saw a spark in his eyes.

Bella then asked, "Do you want me to kiss you?"

"You promised me earlier." Adane shrugged.

Bella let go of Adane, "Another time, you're going to wait. We're still at your parents' house."

Adane smiled, "Next time, I won't be looking for a kiss only."

Bella blushed when she realized what he meant.

"We'll see about that." Bella giggled.

"Now close your eyes," Adane said to Bella softly and wrapped his hand around her shoulder.

He led her to his room. "Open them."

Bella opened her eyes and smiled as she looked around Adane's room.

His room had the same color furniture as his office.

The bed was big enough to hold four persons.

A section on the wall had some of his pictures when we were about the children's age.

If Bella didn't know her children she would have thought that they were the ones in the pictures.

"What did you bring me for?" Bella asked.

"I told you I wanted more than a kiss this time. Didn't you remember what I just said?" A smirk was on Adane's face.

"Yes, but as I said, we're still at your parents' house. What if they hear something?"

"They won't if you don't make any loud noise."

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