14 | Are You My Dad?

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Adane was surprised when he saw James. He stopped in his tracks. Stephan stood beside Adane, wondering why he stooped. He followed Adane's lane of sight and saw a little boy who looked quite similar to Adane.

"Sir is that..." Before he could finish, Adane strode towards James.

"Hello little boy, where is your mother?" Adane's tone was soft. Stephan was stunned, He had never seen Adane spoke so softly in six years.

"Hello, who are you, and why do you want my mother's name?" James asked. His heart was racing. The man in front of him looked the same as he and his brother. He wondered if it was his father. Even though he longed for a father, he knew he could not hug him. At least he had to be certain first.

Adane was stunned by the way James answered him. He did not answer James but asked "Who are you here with?"

"Why are you so interested in me sir?" Should I call the police?" James took out his phone.
Adane smiled, "You are quite cleaver for your age."

"You didn't answer my question, who are you?" James asked, even though his voice was trembling, he tried to sound as bold as he could.

Adane opened his mouth to answer when he was cut off by a child's voice.
"James come play. Stop acting as if you're matured." Jeremy came over.

Jeremy stood in place when he say the man in front of him. "Are you my dad?" he asked.
Adane, and Stephan were speechless. There was another one!

James was cursing Jeremy in his head, 'How could you be so straight forward.'
"I'm not sure, would you like to find out?" Adane asked.

"No thanks, I want to know, but you are a stranger. Sorry sir another time."
Adane and Stephan were dumbfounded. They never thought children would be so clever.

"What's the name of your mother?" Adane asked looking at Jeremy, he wanted to see if he could hear the name he tried to erase from his mind these six years. His heart was beating wildly.

 When Jeremy opened his mouth, Adane held his breath.

"Her name is... Why should I tell you my mother's name? Do you have something against her?"
Adane was a little angry but he did not show it in his facial expression.

At this moment, Verona came over with two chocolate chip ice-creams. "What are you doing with my kids?" Verona asked.

Adane quickly turned to face Verona hoping that it was Bella. When he saw it was not her, his dark eyes contracted. The spark he had in his eyes vanished.

"I was just passing by." He said coldly.

Verona shivered, but looking at the handsome man before her she felt he was quite familiar.

 "You... w-what's your name?" Verona stammered.

"Adane Crawford," with that Adane strode off.

"Is he our father?" Jeremy asked. 

"I'm not sure." Verona thoughts trailed of. 'Bella, I think I just found him. He's the jackpot..."
Verona shake off those thoughts, she had to be faithful to her husband. Yes, Verona and Mario got married a year ago.

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