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Ben was enraged, at how dear Katelyn touched his daughter-in-law.

"Continue..." Adane motioned to to to Stephan.

"We got a hold of the truck driver, and with a little 'persuasion' (he meant torture), he told us that Katelyn hired him to kill Bella, and to make it look like an accident. We tracked Katelyn's phone records and she also contacted two doctors working in this hospital. I am yet to get their names, but I will do so as soon as possible..." Stephan told Adane.

When Stephan mentioned the word 'doctors', he remembered that Verona said that she didn't think it was an accident and that there was something off about the doctors they saw.

"What about the diseased patient I saw in the corridor earlier?"

"The name of the deceased is Annabella Munn, she was in the accident with Miss Cain. We wanted to send compensation to her family but we couldn't."

"Why is that?" Adane looked up at Stephan.

"She does not have any other family members apart from her five-year-old daughter. I could not simply give the child the compensation.

"Did you try to find any other distant family member that could get the compensation and take care of the child?"

"No there wasn't any sir, I could not find anyone to take care of the child."

"Okay, I want you to go to the school that the child attends and let them know about the child's mother's passing. Tell them that the child will be under my care."

Stephan nodded.

"Did you find Katelyn?" Adane questioned.

"I did, but I didn't want to alarm her."

"Good," Adane responded, he wasn't going to let her go, unscathed.

"Get the surveillance video from the fifth floor, from four hours ago. You should also get a pathologist, I need to know what the real cause was for Annabella Munn's death." Adane said to Stephan.

"Yes Boss!" Stephan replied, and left."

"What are you going to do about Katelyn?" Ben asked, he was angry, but mostly at himself. Ben was the one who introduced Katelyn to Adane four years ago. He thought that she was the smart, beautiful, and talented ideal daughter-in-law. Katelyn was also from a well-off family, she was the only heir for the Forbes group. Adane kept rejecting her, but she always stood by his side. He even forced Adane to get engaged with her six months ago. He had forgotten about her when Bella arrived.

Adane looked at his father and could read his facial expressions. He then looked back at Bella and sighed. "It's not your fault, don't feel guilty, I'll get to the bottom of this."

Ben's phone rang, He took it out and then scoffed after seeing the caller's ID. It was no other than Katelyn. Ben showed Adane the phone, answered the call, and put it on speaker

"Hi uncle, how are you?" Katelyn asked with a chirpy voice. She sounded happy.

"I'm good darling, what can I do for you?" Ben asked in his normal voice.

"Um uncle, Adane hasn't talked to me in a long while, I tried to get him to go on a date with me two days ago but he declined. He's been getting a little distant, plus I feel that he is cheating on me."

"Are you sure," Ben asked with a surprised voice.

"Yes, uncle." They started to hear some faint sobs from Katelyn.

"Don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of it," Ben replied.

"Thanks, uncle. Um, do you think you can get Adane to have dinner with me tomorrow? I miss him. If there is anything broken between us, I want to mend it, besides, our wedding is in four months."

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