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Adane knew what they were thinking so he motioned them to keep quiet. Abby was sleeping. The children did as they were told. Adane had already informed his parents about his choice of actions. They came and Jane carried Abby to Charlotte's room.

In the living room, the children started to question Adane...

"Daddy, who is that girl?" James asked,

"She will be your sister from now on, and you should treat her as how you would treat each other."

"Why should we do that?"

"She is not mummy's child."

"Did you have another child daddy, is she your daughter?"

"Does mummy know that you have another child daddy?"

"Why did you do this to mummy, why did you have another child?"

"Was having us alone not enough, if you wanted more children, why didn't you ask mummy if you wanted more children?"

Ben and Jane stood aside and watched. They wondered how Adane would answer those questions. The questions came popping up one after the other, Adane didn't know where to start. He sighed audibly.

"Are you done asking questions now?" Adane asked.

"It depends on how you answer the one's we've just asked, we don't know yet." Charlotte answered. She was feeling upset, 'How could daddy cheat on mummy?' she asked herself.

"Her name is Abby, and no, she is not my child." After answering, Adane felt like he was the child and he was obediently answering their questions.

"Then why is she here, and why should she be our sister?" James questioned.

"This morning her mother met in an accident and died. The person who cause the accident was someone who disliked me and they did it as a form of getting my attention. She does not have anyone to look after her now that her mother is gone, so that's why she will be staying with us from now on and I want to treat her as your sister. Do you understand?"

They nodded. "Does mummy know about this?" Jeremy asked.

Adane shook his head.

"We should tell mummy, mummy will know how to comfort Abby," Camila chimed in.

"Yes, we should call mummy." James took out his phone and immediately dialled Bella's number. It rang and went to voicemail.

"Why isn't mummy answering?" James asked.

"You don't need to call your mother, I'll tell her, and she's probably busy now." Adane said.

"But mummy always answers when we call even if she is in an important meeting." Camila replied, she then took out her phone and dialled Bella, but it also went to voicemail.

Adane saw that they were getting anxious, if they were like this now because of Bella not answering the phone he didn't want to know how they would react if they knew that Bella was in the hospital.

"I'm going to tell your mummy, I just wanted to drop off Abby here then go and tell you're mother about the changes. It's your responsibility now to treat Abby like how you would treat each other, do you understand?"

The siblings nodded.

"Stephan will be coming over shortly. Your mother and I won't be back tonight, so be on your best behaviour.

"Where will you take mummy, daddy?" Charlotte asked.

"I'll take her somewhere special," Adane placed a fake smile on his face.

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