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Bella sighed and looked back at Verona. "What does that man have to do with me, and where is the money that you said I'll get?"

"You're so hard to teach." Verona sighed "Let me give you a hint, think six years back. You're in your teens, the most beautiful and curvy girl there was. A book worm, but all the guys were after you. That night, you were about to give your first to Carlos..."

"Don't speak about that jerk!"

"I know, I know, but let me continue."

"Okay," Bella hummed.

The moment Verona mentioned Carlos, she became sad but angry. She was not thinking of Carlos, but Hanna-Kay. They had been together for the first eighteen years of their lives. Even before birth, but she betrayed her.

Bella was also back in New York to take revenge but she was wondering if she would be the better person if this happened. Bella sighed again.

"Why are you sighing? Anyways, as I was saying... That night you went to the AB hotel at a VIP room. You though that that room was the one Carlos told you to go into. Fortunately his plan didn't work out and you had the most amazing night of your life." Seeing Bella's face was red. Verona laughed.

"U-um, what does that have to do with him?" Bella questioned pointing at Adane's picture.

Verona sighed "I really need to teach you baby steps huh? Close your eyes imagine your boys were before you right now."

Bella did as she was told. A smile was on her lips.
"Open them now and look at the man in the picture."

At that moment Bella knew what Verona was indicating. Bella's mouth was left agape.

"That's him? Is he the one...My children's father?"
"mhm, now, are you going to give my god-children their father?"

Bella was stunned. She knew she had slept with a handsome guy, but not only was he handsome, he was rich. To be exact he was the richest in City. Bella was now having mixed feelings.

"How did you find him, how do you know he is their father? He has a twin brother too. It could be his twin brother. It could even be that he is not their biological father..."

"Bella what's wrong? I though you would be happy if I found their father." Verona cut of Bella from her series of questions looking confused.

"You don't understand." Bella frowned.

"Understand what exactly?" Verona asked.

"He's rich!" Bella replied.

"Yea, and what is wrong about that?" Verona questioned.

"He might take them away from me. I don't want that. That's all rich people do, bully the weak. I know aunt Hayden and Uncle Alex are not like that but... but this is New York. The children of the rich should grow with the rich. I initially thought that the man from that night was an ordinary person. Maybe we would be together and live by the country side with our kids. I wasn't planning a life of wealth and social circle. I..."

"Bella!" Verona cut her off again. "Stop letting your imagination run wild. Look at him." She pointed at Adane. "He does not look like a person who would take away your children."

"How do you know that?" Bella asked.

"Well, you've read all that I found out about him. He doesn't seem that bad. Plus if he chooses to take your children when he knows about them, I can find a good lawyer."

"And what if he wins the case, what will I do then?"

"Stop thinking out of the box, nothing will happen. Trust me." Verona comforted.

"I'll think about it." Bella sighed.

"He is still single. Do you think a single man can take care of four kids and manage such a big business?" Verona chuckled, she had also hid the fact that Adane wasn't single. Adane was engaged six months ago. Verona knew it was wrong for Bella to break a couple apart, but she wanted what was best for Bella.

"Maids! All rich have maids and nannies! Do you want to see my children being raised by nannies?"

"Don't curse my god-babies. Although being raised by nannies is not a bad thing. Look at how my sister turned out. She is now a top lawyer world wide." Verona saw that Bella was getting angry. She laughed. "Okay, okay I was just messing around. But still," Verona now had a serious look, "They still need a father."

"I know, but I can't just give them to a stranger. He's their father, but I don't know him."

"Yet you slept with him." Verona saw that her comment made Bella's face turned red as apple.

"It was a mis...mistake."

"Well you enjoyed that mistake and that mistake gave you the will to live."

"If he takes them away who will I live for. They are my life. My little kings and queens. I can't live without them."

"I get it, but they still need their father." Stated Verona

"Okay, I'll see what I can do. When do you think I should meet him?"

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