38 | MUMMY

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Katelyn had a shocked expression on her face, 'Did he just say mother of his children? When did Adane have kids that big? Why was this information not disclosed? He did find out that I was behind that woman's death, but why did he say I almost killed her? Isn't she dead?' Katelyn began to panic. "I-I-I can e-explain..."

Adane stopped her in her tracks by raising his hand. "I won't return what you did to her now," Adane got up. "Tomorrow morning have a press conference telling them that the engagement between us is over. You will be getting a call shortly telling you about the Forbes' group bankruptcy. " He threw a few hundred dollar notes at her, "Pay the bill with this, you can keep the change if you want." Adane left.

Katelyn sat on the chair with a red face. As Adane said she received a call about her company's bankruptcy. She knew Adane wasn't finished with her and if she didn't call off the engagement tomorrow, she knew something else would await her. Tears started to flow from her eyes. Katelyn now understood why Adane didn't send her to jail. Adane knew that she didn't want to go to jail, he was going to make her go willingly. He was going to make her be humiliated first.

The following day, Katelyn did hold a press conference where she announced that her engagement with Adane had ended.


Adane watched Bella the entire day, but there was no sign of her waking. Anxiety washed over him.

He called her many times but there was no response, not even a flinch in her finger. He called the doctor. When the doctor arrived Adane started to question him.

"You said she'd be awake by now, but why isn't there any sign of her regaining consciousness?"

"She should be awake by now, we'll need to run some additional test." The doctor answered and so they did.

When the doctor entered back Bella's ward with the results, you could see sweat dripping from his face. He was nervous.

"What did the result say?" Adane asked.

The doctor could not look Adane in the eye, "Her reticular activating system might be damage from the accident, it is unsure to say she'll wake soon."

Each word hit Adane to his core, he felt like a sword was slowly making its way to his heart, destroying everything in his way. "Get out!" he shouted.

The doctor immediately got out of the ward. Adane went by Bella's side. He took her hand and placed it on his chest.

"I've waited six years for you and all I can do now is to watch you sleep, not knowing when you'll wake. Please wake Bella, do you want my heart to stop beating? What about our kids, do you want to miss seeing them growing up? I know you don't you don't want to feel the pain that I'm feeling knowing that I wasn't there for the first five years of their lives. Bella you need to open your eyes, I need you Bella I need you. Just give me a sign." A tear dripped from his eyes.

Adane waited but Bella still didn't respond. Hours passed and still no response. Days passed and Adane stayed with Bella, but there was no change. He tried to focus on his work, but to no avail, all he could think about was Bella. Soon a week passed, the kids started to ask where Bella was. They were saying that Bella abandoned them. Adane felt heart broken.

A week turned into two weeks but Bella was still there in her unconscious state. That Monday, instead of bringing the kids to school Adane told Jane to bring them to the hospital. When they arrived at Bella's ward, Camila asked Adane why they were there.

Adane stooped down to reach their eyelevel.

"Your mother met in a car accident a couple weeks ago, she's been asleep since"

"Where is mummy daddy?"

"I want to see mummy."

"Is mummy hurt badly?

"Is mummy okay daddy? Please answer us daddy, where is mummy."

They started to cry in Adane's embrace. Abby was also crying, as this reminded her of her mother. Her mother was buried a week ago and the trauma hadn't left her as yet.

Adane took them to Bella's bed and they cried while leaning on her Bed.

"M-mu-mummy, wake up please." Camila cried.

Charlotte, James and Jeremy also called Bella while crying. Abby stood and looked at them while crying too.

Looking at the scene before him Adane felt numb. There was a pain in his heart that he couldn't control and it was spreading to all the organs in his body. The pain waned when he saw Bella moved her index finger.

"Bella." Adane called as he rushed over to her. When he looked at Bella's face, he saw tears on the sides of her face.

"Bella can you hear me." Adane asked again forcing his tears from falling. He had to see when she opened her eyes.

Bella eyelids fluttered but her eyes did not open. Her partially dried lips parted and started to move, but with the crying from the kids no one could hear what she was saying.

"Mummy!" the children cried.

Adane moved closer to Bella's face so she could hear what she was saying.

"w-wa-ter" Bella stuttered.

Adane immediately got a cup of water.

"Your mummy is asking for something but I can't hear her, could you go in that room and try to lower you voice" Adane pointed to his room and asked them softly.

They nodded one after the other and went into the room.

Adane took a gulp of the water in his mouth and sealed his lips with Bella's. He then pushed the water into her mouth. After swallowing Bella asked for more water, this time her voice was much louder. And so Adane fed her again, he used this method to finish the cup of water.

"Are you okay?" Adane asked and Bella nodded.

Soon after Bella opened her eyes. Adane pressed the emergency button which summoned six doctors. He wanted to spend more time with her alone but Bella's health came first. When the doctors arrived. Adane called the kids from the room. They were sobbing.   

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