Hange Zoë - Coming Out

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Hange Zoë has been working with Levi Ackerman and Erwin Smith for a few years now, and they have become her closest friends. But what will they do when "she" doesn't feel like a she?
TW: Panic Attack

It's been a hard few weeks. The Scouts suffered a terrible loss on their most recent expedition, and everyone has been quieter at HQ these past days. But for Hange Zoë, that's not the only reason why they're acting odd. Hange has being trying to work up the nerve to come out to their best friends, Erwin and Levi, for a while. But they can't help being afraid they wont accept Hange's new identity.

Suddenly, there comes a knock on the door. "Come in!" Hange shouts.

Erwin enters with Levi shadowing him silently. "Hello Hange! We just wanted to see how you were doing. You haven't been yourself these past few days. Oh, and just between you and me," he stage whispers, "it was Levi's idea."

"Tch," Levi responds, but Hange can see him fighting a smile.

"Yes, I'm fine," they reply. "But... can I tell you guys something?"

"Of course. Anything," Erwin replies without hesitation, and Levi gives a small nod of agreement.

Hange takes a deep breath, steeling themselves.

"Um, well..." they begin, fiddling with their glasses. "Is it ok... would you guys mind using they/them pronouns for me?"

Erwin smiles and nods. "Absolutely! We accept you no matter what. Right, Levi?" he questions, turning to the shorter man.

Levi knods, but he seems distracted. Is he going to treat me differently? Hange wonders. Does he think I'm weird? They pray that's not the case.

Suddenly, Levi's breathing begins to speed up noticeably, and his face becomes a mask of fear. Hange recognizances that face - it's the face he gets when something is out of his control. But it's never been this bad...

Levi grabs at his chest and sinks to the ground. Erwin rushes over as the captain begins to sob and choke.

"Levi! What's going on? Are you ok?" the commander asks, panicked.

"Breathing... too fast... can't... what's happening..." Levi stutters.

"Ok, it's going to be ok." Erwin soothes, sitting by Levi and hugging him. Levi buries his face into the other's shirt, and Erwin begins stroking the shorter's hair.

Through all of this, Hange can't help wondering: is this their fault? Did they freak out Levi so much that he's having a panic attack?

Their thoughts are cut short by Levi's shallow, broken voice from the other side of the room. "Hange... not you fault..."

Tears fill Hange's eyes. Even in his worst moments, Levi is always thinking of others. They get up from the bed and slowly walk over to where the others are sitting, crouching next to Levi and placing their hand on his shoulder.

They wonder, if this isn't their fault, what caused this attack? Obviously, now isn't the best time to ask. Sure, Levi has been scared before, but nothing like this has ever happened. Anything that terrifies Levi this much can't be good.

The three of them sit there for a while, Levi's sobs gradually slowing, Erwin comforting him, Hange simply being there for him. After half an hour or so, Levi sits up. He looks exhausted.

"Ok, I think I'm good now. Er... thank you guys. For being there for me."

"Of course!" Hange exclaims.

"Oh, and Hange... that wasn't your fault. Trust me."

The section commander nods.

"Come on. Let's go to your room. You look exhausted." Erwin commands. Levi follows him silently as the trio heads down the hall.

They drop Levi off and leave. They don't ask what caused the attack - they know that if Levi wants to share, he will. So, they continue on with their day.

Later, in a meeting, Erwin, Hange, and some other soldiers are discussing plans for improvements to the ODM gear.

"Yes, I think that would be helpful," Erwin nods. "Oh, and I was speaking to Hange earlier - they had this great idea to improve gas preservation."

Hange beams.

(Ok so Levi and Erwin are accepting ICONS and you cannot change my mind. Also the next oneshot will be focused on Eruri {Erwin x Levi} so be prepared for that!)
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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