Eremin - Promise

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Armin wakes up and can't find his promise ring from Eren. He searches everywhere, but it's just gone...
(I got this idea from a YOI comic, not sure of the artist but the basic plot is NOT my original idea)

Armin comes back from training sweaty and tired, stumbling into his room and onto his bed. He reaches his hand onto his bedside table, feeling around for the promise ring Eren got him.

He's expecting the feel of cold metal, but finds only worn wood. Confused, he sits up and, finding nothing on the table, searches around on the floor. Still nothing.

He begins to panic as he searches in drawers, under pillows, in blankets. He tears the room apart looking for the ring, but there's nothing to show for it.

Armin runs out of the room into the mess hall, scanning around the table he shares with Mikasa and Eren. No ring. He looks around in Mikasa's room, in the empty room the Scouts used for their sleepover a few days ago, he even goes back into the heat of the summer to search the training grounds.

Armin panics more and more. The ring is his prized possession, proof he can be loved. It means everything to him. And what if Eren is mad at him for losing it? He saved for months to afford them.

Finally, he decides to brave Eren's room to search, praying he isn't there. His prayers aren't answered, however. When he arrives, Eren is sitting on his bed, reading. He looks up as Armin enters.

"Hey, Armin! Do you need help with something?"

"Uh, I- no, no, it's fine. I just lost my, uh, toothbrush."

"Oh, ok. I can help you look if you want."

"No, that's fine! I'm sure it's here somewhere."

Armin begins looking through drawers and on the floor.

"Why would your toothbrush be..."

But now Armin is too scared to lie. Words pour out of his mouth.

"I lost the promise ring you gave me and I looked everywhere and I'm really sorry but please don't be mad at me I swear I didn't move it from my bedside table!" He finally takes a breath.

Eren looks at him, confused. Then, his expression softens. "Armin, don't you remember? We ended... this." He gestures to the two of them.

What? That's not true. Just this morning they were fine... since when was this over? No way. It's not true. It's not...

But Eren doesn't laugh, doesn't admit to this being a joke, no matter how much Armin wills him to. As he stands there, dumbstruck, tears begin to pour down his face. He squeezes his eyes shut, hoping to block out the scene in front of him.

When he opens them again, he's not in Eren's room. He's in his bed, staring at the ceiling, as someone shakes his shoulder. He looks over. It's Eren.

"Armin, what's wrong? You were crying in your sleep... did you have another nightmare?"

For a moment, nothing registers. Then it all comes flooding back. Relief washes over Armin as he realizes the it wasn't true, it was just another nightmare. He begins to cry harder.

Eren wraps his arms around him. "Hey, it's ok, it was just a dream."

After a few minutes, Armin calms down enough to speak, but when he tries to explain, he can't get the words out. "You were- you said we were-"

"You don't have to explain it right now. Just go back to sleep, ok?" Eren comforts him.

He nods his head wordlessly and takes deep breaths, finally drifting off to the sound of rain on the roof, Eren's arms still around him.

(SOWNJFOWBF IM SORRY FOR THE AMOUNT OF FLUFF BUT I CANT ITS SO SWEET 😭. Also sorry for the late update I was really busy today! As always give me suggestions or requests if you want!)
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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