Levi Ackerman Meets His Fangirls

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So this is basically exactly what the title says lol. I wanted something funny but next time I'll do something darker. Suggestions?

Levi steps through the mysterious door, puzzled, and is met with a chorus of squeals. Bewildered, he is swarmed with a flood of girls of all ages. He looks up to see Erwin standing on a chair in the middle of the room, looking as if he has also been hit with the same swarm.

The captain is nearly knocked over by the girls, all yelling his name. Some even faint. Some are wearing shirts with his face on them. What is going on? Just a few minutes ago, he had been washing windows. Then he had found himself outside the door of this room, and now...

"Captain Levi!" one of the girls elbows her way forward. She looks to be about 16, with shoulder length black hair. "I can't believe I'm actually meeting you! I'm literally your biggest fan!!"

"No, I am!" a young girl with blonde braids calls from the back. The cry is echoed by everyone in the crowd.

"Ok, what is going on here?" Levi shouts over the din. He looks up at Erwin, who shrugs helplessly. "I've never seen any of you before!"

"We're your fans!"

"Fans?! I'm a military captain-"

"Yeah, a hot one!" one of the girls, looking to be about 13, giggles.

"What?  That's what you all are talking about? You do know I'm 35..."

"Of course! I also know you have insomnia, you keep a drawer of your fallen comrade's patches, your favorite food is-"

Levi's face turns ghostly. "How do you creeps know that?"

The girl with black hair looks at him quizzically. "Um, the internet?"

"The what?"

"Ok, I think that's enough of that. You guys did this to me too" Erwin says as he makes his way to Levi, picking past the limp forms of unconscious fangirls. He stands beside Levi and plants a kiss on his head.

One of the girls screams in outrage and charges forward. "No! He's mine!"

"Um... how old are you exactly?"


"Yeah, um... no."

Tears fill the all of the girls' eyes. "Wait, so... you guys..."


"Oh." Downcast eyes and sighs. Someone begins sobbing.

Levi looks at the girls with disgust. These girls have to be insane to think...

Suddenly, Eren barges in ans is met with the same thing the others were. Once the swarm dies down, Levi walks over and explains what was happening, even though he still wasn't quite sure himself.

"Yeah... I'm with Armin." Eren smiles and shrugs apologetically.

"Wait," someone cries. "So, if Levi heichou is with Erwin, and Eren is with Armin... Eren and Kevi aren't together?"

They both nearly choke. "WHAT?!" they cry in unison.

"First of all," Levi sputters, "don't call me heichou. Second of all, NO! What made you think- that's- he's 15! You guys are sick!"

One of the girls looks genuinely confused. "Because you saved him a bunch! And beat him up!"

Eren speaks up. "Uh, how does that mean he likes me? And have you seen how many times he's saved Erwin?"

"Well, yeah, but... everyone think you two like each other."

Levi rubbed his temples. "Who is we?"

"Everyone hi watches Attack on Titan! The show you're in!"

Now they really choke. "SHOW?! Where exactly are you all from?"

"The real world."


"You guys are fictional characters!"

"FICTIONAL?! What do you mean-"

But Levi is cut off when he opens his eyes and finds himself back in the mess hall, cleaning supplies in hand, Erwin and Eren beside him. They all look at one another, bewildered. Suddenly, Mikasa runs up to them.

"You guys! You're gonna think I'm crazy, but there were these boys-"

(Pls give me ideas for darker oneshots! Also ty for all the reads! You guys are awesome 😎)
-Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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