FTM!Levi Ackerman Modern AU Becuase Trans Rights are Human Rights :>

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TW?: Dysphoria

Erwin Smith can be the worst best friend sometimes.

I just left my apartment building to pick something up from the post office, and there he is, walking down the sidewalk like always. I try to speed away before he can see me, but it's too late. I swear this man has a sixth sense.

He jogs over, waving. "Hey, Layna!"

I freaking hate that damn name.

"Hey, Erwin," I sigh.

"Watcha doin?"

"Going to the post office So, if you don't mind..." I explain, trying to scoot around his tall frame to continue down the sidewalk.

"Ooo, can I come?"


"Uh, 'cause I wanna spend time with my best friend? Do I need more of a reason?"

I roll my eyes. "It's nothing special. I just ordered something online and need to grab it."

He does the puppy eyes thing and pushes out his lower lip. "Pleeeaaaaase?"

"You're so immature!" I groan, suppressing a smile. "Fine, I guess you can come."

He pumps his fist in the air and matches his steps with mine. I walk along with surprising lightness, excited for what I ordered. As long as Erwin doesn't see.

My long black hair is blown in my face by the wind, and I tie it up with a hairband. I wish I'd gotten a haircut a long time ago, but that would come with too many questions.

We continue down the sidewalk, and Erwin chatters along as I listen in silence. It's always been like this. The extrovert and his introvert best friend. An introvert best friend who would like to be more than a friend, but is too damn scared to even reveal his biggest secret.

That he is a he.

I brush the thought away and tune back into reality. Erwin is saying something about getting Starbucks later, and I pretend to gag.

"Eeew, how could you like that... bean juice?!" I stick my tongue out.

"Says Mrs. Leaf Juice Fanatic here!" Erwin retorts, smiling. I smile back and ignore the use of Mrs. It's not like he knows better.

We pass our college and then a bakery, and Erwin stops suddenly. I almost bump into him. "What is it?"

He sniffs the air, then looks at me as his eyes light up. "Donuts!!!" He runs inside and I trudge in after, laughing exasperatedly.

The owner, Niccollo, greets us and chuckles at Erwin.

"Here for the donuts, I see?"

"Yes please! I'll take four glazed, please!" Really? Two each? I think. He looks over at me. "Oh, yeah, and did you want anything?"

I take the last bite of my chocolate donut as Erwin licks the glaze of his fourth from his fingers. He grins up at me and my heart melts. Then he stands and dusts off his shirt.

"We should go to the post office. That's why you were going out, right?"

"Yep," I agree as I stand with him. We continue on and stop in front of our destination, only 1 1/2 hours late.

I hesitate. "Oh, um, you don't have to come in with me. I'll be fine."

He looks at me, confused. "I didn't think you needed help, I just-"

"No, really, it's fine."

"Alright, I'll wait outside," he agrees, stuffing his hands in his pockets and rocking on his heels. I enter through the door of the post office and walk up to the cluttered counter. A lady greets me.

"Layla Ackerman?"

I wince slightly and nod. "That's me."

She hands me a package and I hold it reverently in my hands. I've been waiting months for it to come, and I can hardly wait to open it. But no. Not while Erwin is with me.

I thank the woman and head back down the steps to the parking lot, meeting Erwin and starting the journey home. He looks at the box curiously.

"What's in there?"

"Nothing much. Just some clothes," I say. It's the half truth.

We make it to my complex and head up the stairs to my apartment, then pause outside my door.

"Bye," I say turning to go, but Erwin stops me.

"Wait! I wanna see the clothes!"

I start to panic internally. "Uh... well..."

He does the puppy eyes, and suddenly I think, screw it. This is the man who has stood up for me since elementary school, stayed by my side, accepted my panromanticism and asexuality. Why not this?

"Ok, sure, let me go get changed," I agree. I lock the door behind me and pull open the box, revealing my first binder. I got it on impulse, on a day when I felt really dysphoric, and I nervously struggle through putting it on.

Once it's on, I put on my shirt, look in the mirror and gasp. My chest is flat. I cam wear my tight-ish shirt and still feel good about myself. I feel so much better, like a piece of me that was missing is put into place. With my hair up tightly, With only my bangs showing, I look like I've always wanted to.

I take a steadying breath and open the door. Erwin takes a moment to register what he's seeing, then he looks up at me, grinning.

"You got a binder?"

I nod. "Yeah. Do you, uh, like it?"

"Like it? I love it! You look amazing!"

I breathe a sigh of relief, although I new somewhere inside Erwin would accept me. He's stuck with me this long, he's not going anywhere.

His face goes more serious for a moment. "So, what pronouns and name do you want me to use? I'm assuming this means you're not cis, although correct me if I'm wrong."

I nod again. "Um, I want to use he/they pronouns. And, I was thinking about the name for a while, and I like Levi."

"Levi. I like it," Erwin's smile returns. "Well, Levi, I have an idea."


"I've noticed you putting your hair up a lot. Would you like to get a haircut?"

I don't respond for a moment, and his face becomes nervous.

"Sorry, was that rude? I'm not saying you have to have short hair to be a man, I just thought, since you always talk about how you hate it-"

I swat his arm. "Don't worry so much. I'd love to. I've wanted to for a while, but I never had the courage... but I think I can do it now."

He nods and we head to the hair salon.

I come out a few hours later with short hair. It's an undercut, and I've kept my bangs, extending them into the longer hair at the top of my head. I look at my reflection in the window and feel tears well in my eyes. I'm Levi.

Erwin comes up beside me and tussles my hair, then kisses the top of my head and turns, walking away quickly. I stand in shock, then run after him, laughing.

"Erwin Smith, don't go doing something like that and just walk away! Get back here!"

He smirks and chuckles, walking faster as I struggle to catch up. I finally do, and as he turns to explain, I kiss him on the lips.

Now it's his turn to stand in shock as I giggle and run away down the sidewalk. He finally snaps out of it and starts jogging after me, blushing, and we both dissolve into hysterical laughter. And I feel complete.

Hope you liked this one! Thank you to Brightnose7755 for helping with this, and I hope I did well portraying a trans character. I'm so sorry if there were mistakes, this is my first time doing so so feel free to (kindly) point them out. Happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

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