Historia Reiss - Red as Roses

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Historia Reiss trusts Ymir with her life. Maybe she shouldn't hand out her heart so easily...
TW: Blood/gore, slight cursing

"How could you do this?! You bastard!" I cry, tears of anger streaming down my face. My hands shake as I aim the pistol at Ymir's face. One tiny movement, and everything ends. One twitch of my finger, and this is all over.

Can I do it?

I want to. I want to more than I've ever wanted anything.

But at the same time, when I look into her eyes, I still see the face of the woman I thought I loved. The woman who I thought loved me.

But I was wrong. So, so wrong. And the truth of that is so painful, it's feels like my world is ending. Pain like a knife to the heart.

Pain like... a bullet to the head.

Ymir scoffs. "You know you can't make yourself do that, Your Majesty. You don't have an ounce of bravery in you. Staying here in safety while your comrades die for you. And for what? For you to sit here and do absolutely nothing."

My vision blurs with tears. "But why..." I choke "Why did you do it? Why would you tell them where I am? You know those two aren't trustworthy. Bertoldt and Reiner are our enemies! Why the hell can't you see that?!"

Ymir is still stone faced. My heart breaks for the memories of the way she used to look at me. Now, though, there's nothing there.

"I did it because I value my life. They're the winning side, you know that damn well! So why didn't you join us when I invited you?! Historia..." I think I see a slight flash of pain in her eyes. "Historia, we could have had a future. We could have been so happy. But now we can't. Because of you."

The sadness I felt before morphs and hardens into anger. "HOW DARE YOU! How dare you blame me for this! At least I care for humanity! For someone other than myself! And you... you ruined us because of YOUR choices! You lied. You lied and you lied and you lied, and I, the damn idiot that I am, I believed you. But things have changed. I'm not that person anymore. I will pull this trigger, and I will kill you."

"Oh, I doubt that. Because you've never been the type to move on."

"I told you! I've changed!"

"Then prove it. Look me in the eyes. Tell me you never loved me. Tell me I meant nothing to you. Tell me this was all a lie."

As she says this, she stalks forward and twists the gun out of my hands, quick as a flash. My hands are so slick with sweat that I couldn't have resisted if I tried.

I want to scream. Instead I laugh bitterly. "You've got me there. Because, Ymir, you did mean something to me, once. And I'm not a liar."

I've known Ymir long enough that pushing her buttons is easy. So I'm not surprised at all when she yells in frustration and lunges at me. And I'm completely prepared to sidestep and grab her, pinning her arms under her, whipping out a knife and holding it to her throat.

I lean down and whisper in her ear with the hint of a smile, "Y'know, rage always was your weakness."

I realize quickly, though, that I was stupid to think she would show fear now. She simply sneers at me."Go on," she hisses, "Slit my throat. Let me bleed out on this floor. Let my blood splatter your shoes. But when I'm gone, there will be no one left who ever loved you."

Tears flood my eyes, and I close them, an unstoppable force against an immovable object.

"We could have been forever. But look at us now." I whisper.

I slide the knife, metal against flesh.

She laughs, which turns into a horrible choking sound as blood sprays onto my face, my clothes, my hair, my shoes.

Then, she's quiet.

I sob and look down at her limp body, then at my own hands. They're shaking, red as roses.

What have I done?

Red as roses.

My beautiful Ymir...

Red as roses.

I laugh hysterically.

Red as roses.

I cry as if I'm dying.

Red as roses.

Maybe I am.

Red as-

I jolt awake, crying and screaming. Ymir is sleeping peacefully beside me. It was a dream. All a dream. None of it was real.

So why, when I raise my hands to my face, do they still look...

Red as roses?

(Geez, this one is dark. Idk, I wanted to take a break from the fluff, and I actually really enjoyed this. I would have killed if Ymir for real, but that doesn't happen at the point of the show that these oneshots are set in. Also I might have cried lol. Anyway, do y'all have any suggestions or requests? I might try another Hange oneshot and try to keep the Eruri to a minimum. We'll see.)
               - Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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