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The Scouts are having a sleepover! And Jean suggests a game of spin the bottle... Things are about to get interesting.

The Scouts are crammed into an extra room, seated or standing. They moved the furniture to make room for everyone, but it's still crowded. The room is filled with clamor: shouting, laughing, countless conversations.

Eren rushes into the room, breathless. "They agreed!"

If the room was loud before, it's deafening now. Peals of laughter and a shouts fill the room. Just a few minutes before, Eren had been chosen to try and convince Levi, Erwin, and Hange to join the Scouts at their sleepover. Somehow, he had succeeded.

The trio files in, managing to find space in the overflowing room.

For the next half hour, food (stolen from the storehouses) is served, games are played, and a bottle of something probably spiked is passed around and drained. Once everyone has had their fill, and are more than a little tipsy, Jean shouts from the back, holding the empty container aloft like a trophy.

"Who wants to play spin the bottle?!" he slurs.

Cries of agreement fill the small space.

They all sit in a circle and hold their breath as Jean flicks the bottle. It spins fast at first, then slower, then stops on...


Everyone, including the higher-ups, shrieks with laughter. Eren looks slightly sick. Jean shakes his head.

"It was your idea, Jean! Man up!" someone cries.

Jean and Eren slowly lean forward, closer, closer...

Their lips meet only for a second, but it's enough that most of the Scouts are on the floor laughing. Even Levi and Erwin are red in the face.

Once everyone settles down, they all decide on Levi. He spins the bottle. Fast, slower, and...


Even more laughter. Of course, the Scouts all know of the two's relationship, but other than the day they found out, they'd never seen and PDA between the two. They watch, unblinking, not wanting to miss anything.

Erwin shrugs and the two kiss as if it's nothing to them. But to the Scouts, this is the most exiting
(and hilarious) thing they've seen in a while. Someone whistles. Levi turns bright red, but Erwin takes his hand and he relaxes.

Another bottle spin, by Mikasa this time. Everyone is disappointed when it lands on Connie instead of Jean, and even more so when all she gives is a sisterly peck on the cheek. Boos echo around the room, but they're quickly silenced when Sasha grasps the bottle. Around and around it goes, as they all silently pray it will land on...


"Ooooooooo"s fill the room as a blush creeps up Connie's neck. The two lean forward, close their eyes...

The kiss lasts quite a bit longer than needed. 10 seconds pass before they finally break away, then look around as if they had forgotten where they are. Everyone is laughing hysterically, especially Jean, who had known before anyone else of the two's feelings for one another.

Hours pass as they continue to play. Eren and Armin (no surprise there), Ymir and Historia (met with giggles), Mikasa and Sasha (they're both laughing so hard they can barely breath), Connie and Jean (who both pretend to gag afterwards), and at one point, Levi and Hange, which is possibly the most awkward yet hilarious kiss of the night.

And finally, the last round of the game. Jean started it, so he agrees to finish it. He flicks the bottle, and...


(Yes, I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger 😏. I was originally gonna do one big thing, but that would make it almost 1000 words lol. So yeah, have fun being in suspense. I already finished pt 2 so if you want I can publish it later today, or I can do tomorrow if you would rather that.)
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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