Mikasa - What About Me

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Mikasa Ackerman is in love with one of her best friends: Eren Yeager. The thing is, Eren is in love with her other best friend, Armin.

Mikasa Ackerman has tried everything.

She's spent time with Eren, opened up to him, tried to make him jealous, confessed... But nothing has worked.

Nothing can make him love her too.

Because he's dating Armin, and now she's being forced to third wheel.

Things had started to get better, about 3 months after they started dating. Mikasa had started to recover from the ED she'd gotten when they first got together. She'd stopped obsessing over Eren as much. Another guy, Jean, had started to show interest in her.

But then it happened.

One day, Eren had run back excitedly to HQ, saying he had a surprise for Armin. When the latter arrived, Eren pulled out a pair of promise rings and slipped one onto Armin's finger.

That day, Mikasa didn't eat anything. Or the next day. Or the next...

Now, almost a week later, she's sitting with the couple at a table while they eat lunch. She's not hungry. That's her excuse, at least. She wants to be anywhere else, but they'd get suspicious if she didn't come.

She watches dejectedly as the couple laughs and Armin laces his fingers with Eren's.

Eren plants a kiss on Armin's forehead, and that's the last straw. Mikasa stands quickly and turns away.

"Mikasa? What's the matter? You don't look so hot... and come to think of it, I haven't seen you eat in a while..." Eren worries.

"I'm fine," she says, starting to walk away. "I'm not-" Suddenly, she feels lightheaded and shaky. A stab of pain cuts through her head, and the next thing she knows, the world is tilting to the side. Impact, but she can hardly feel it. Hunger, worse than ever, gnawing at her. A voice. Eren's voice.

"Help me carry her! Someone get food!"

She wants to get up, to assure him that she's fine. She hates seeing her beautiful Eren upset. But she's tired, so very tired. Maybe she'll just close her eyes...

"Mikasa! You'll be ok. It'll be ok..."



"Mikasa! Can you hear me? Guys, she's awake!"

A crowd of people surround her. The other Scouts. They're in her room, and she's lying on the bed. Memories flood back. The lunch room... Eren and Armin... promise rings...

"Here." Eren offers her a piece of bread. "You need to eat something. I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner- I mean, you not eating and all." He turns to the others. "Armin, stay here. The rest of you, could you give us a minute?"

The crowd of Scouts disperses.

Eren and Armin look down at her with concern. "How are you feeling?" Eren asks.

"Fine. I'm better now," she assures them, taking small bites of the bread.

Armin speaks up. "Is this because of... you know..." he gestures to the two of them.

Mikasa nods. No use lying; they'd see right through it.

"Oh." Armin's eyes fill, and Eren's face goes ashen. "I'm so sorry, Mikasa. I had no idea... If us being together is hurting you, then we won't..."

"No." she surprises herself with the firmness in her voice. "You guys are happy, and I have no right to stand in the way of that."

"Ok, well... I promise to pay more attention. And help when you're struggling." Eren says. Armin nods. "We have to go back to training, or Levi'll have our hides."

Mikasa smiles weakly and closes her eyes.

She's almost asleep when she hears a floorboard creak. She opens her eyes to see Jean standing awkwardly in the doorway.


"Oh, uh, hi! I was just... I wanted to see if..." he takes a breath. "I wanted to see how you're doing. I know you probably don't want to see me right now, but I wanted to tell you that I don't think that suicidal maniac deserves you. Um, and, even though I don't deserve you either, I wanted to say that I think you're perfect and any guy would be lucky to date you."

Mikasa smiles. "Jean, first of all, I knew you liked me. You're not really subtle about, well, anything."

Jean blushes bright red.

"Second, that's really sweet, and I think you're great too. I don't think I'm ready for that sort of thing right now..."

He smiles warmly, just a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I get it if you're not ready. I also understand that I don't stand a chance against Eren, but I just wanted to get it off my chest-"

"But I might consider it later."

His eyes light up. "Really?"


(Thank you @Brightnose7755 for this idea!!! No way I would have come up with this if it weren't for you. Also, I had an idea for an Eruri modern day au oneshot. So, should I just add it to this book, or should I make a whole new book with modern day stories? Let me know what you think!)
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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