Eremin - Not a Burden

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AU where Eren doesn't become a total baka.Armin begins to feel worthless, and only Eren notices what's wrong.
TW: Self hatred

Armin Arlert hates himself. There's no denying that. He has always felt inferior to others - he's not athletic, or confident, or talented. He fails others on a regular basis. He has a deep secret that no one can know. Overall, he's a burden to everyone around him. So, he shuts down. He ignores his needs, overworks himself, and pushes others out of his life.

And no one seems to notice.

They all see it as normal - he's always been the anxious one; the brains, not the brawn. So when things get worse, and Armin begins to stop sleeping, crying regularly, and pulling out his hair, only one person sees:


His official-but-not-official boyfriend. Official because they've been in love since they were kids. Not official because Armin doesn't want to subject Eren to hatred from people like Floch, who see a man with a man or a woman with a woman as wrong.

Today, Armin comes down to breakfast with a cap on, bags under his eyes, exhausted from training and studying strategy all night.

"Morning, Armin!" Eren cries, waving him over to their table they share with Mikasa.

"Morning," he replies half heartedly.

"What's the matter? And why do you have a hat on?" The brown haired boy askes. When Armin can't think of an answer, Eren reaches over and pulls off the hat, revealing a large bald spot where Armin had ripped his hair out in frustration the night before while studying.

Eren gasps. "Armin! Did you do this?"

The blonde haired boy nods.

"Why would you do this? And have you been staying up all night again? Armin, we're worried about you. This is getting bad."

"See, now I'm just being a burden again! I don't understand why you guys are still my friends. I only bring you down."

Eren reaches his hand out, then pulled it away when Armin flinched. "Armin... you are not, and never have been, a burden. You're smart, and funny, and sweet, and we love you for it. We're worried because we care, ok? When I used to get so angry I would hurt myself, and you helped me, was I a burden to you then?"

Armin shakes his head.

Mikasa speaks up. "And when I went almost 2 weeks without eating, did you hate me?"

"No." Armin admits.

"Exactly! The same goes for you," Eren says. "So, tell us when something is wrong. In fact, start now. Tell us something that's on your mind."

Armin heart rate speeds. He reaches over to Eren hesitantly and grasps his hand to ground himself.

"Ok. You'll probably hate me, but... I'm demigender. My pronouns are he/they."

Eren smiles warmly. "Good job, honey. I'm so, so proud of you."

Tears fill Armin's eyes. "So you... don't hate me? You still love me?"

Eren nods. "Yes, Armin, of course. I'll always love you."

Someone scoffs. They turn to see Floch glaring at them in disgust.

"You guys are a disgrace. You should be ashamed! I guess it's really Levi and Erwin's fault though... setting such a bad example for the soldiers."

Eren stands. "Shut your mouth, Floch. To hell with what you think."

The red-haired boy just rolls his eyes. "Or what?"

Eren clenches his jaw. Armin can see it in his eyes - the look he gets before a fight. When Eren gets that look, there's not much that can stop him. He stalks toward Floch...

"What's gong on here?" Levi yells. Erwin hurries in after him.

Floch look at the two with disgust. "I was just talking to these two about how they shouldn't show affection for each other in public. It's wrong."

Levi glares at Floch. "What did you just say?!"

Erwin moves toward the captain. "Levi, please..."

"No! Let me teach this little punk a lesson-"

Floch laughs. "Like you could do anything, shortie."

Safe to say that wasn't a great idea.

Levi lunges at Floch. punching him squarely in the jaw. The Scout staggers back as the captain hits him again and again. By now, everyone is paying attention. Word has somehow got out about the cause of the fight, and everyone is cheering Levi on.

Finally, Erwin manages to restrain the shorter. The commander puts his arm across Levi's shoulders, turns to go...

Then turns back and punches Floch in the face with such force, he falls down. Then Erwin walks out of the room, hand in hand with Levi, as the room cheers.

Floch doesn't make any more comments, just goes back to eating, face bright red swollen. People come up to Eren and Armin and congratulate them. Apparently, Floch had been harassing a lot of people about their sexualities and identities.

And for the rest of the meal, Armin doesn't let go of Eren's hand once.

(Yes, I just had to sneak in a little Eruri lol. Also. please give me suggestions for oneshots! And if you want to see a regular story, I'll take suggestions for those too! I plan to keep this ongoing until I'm completely out of ideas. Question of the day: favorite aot headcanon?)
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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