Springles - Confession

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Connie Springer just kissed Sasha Braus. He didn't plan to - he just did. But what does he do now? And more importantly... does Sasha even like him back?

What was Connie thinking?

He had kept his crush on Sasha a secret for months, and now that was all out that window because of one kiss! And not even a real one! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

He is sitting on his bed, staring at the wall, filled with regret. What does he do now? This has never happened to him before. He could ask his good friend, Jean, but... he kinda doubts Jean has been in a situation like this either. The girl he's obsessed with, Mikasa, only has eyes for that suicidal maniac, Eren, who in turn has a crush on Armin. The chain of unrequited love stops there, however. Eren and Armin have been official for a while.

It's not like this is a new crush. Connie has liked Sasha since the day they met. Everyone else thought she was weird, but that was what Connie loves about her. She's funny, kind, strong... he could go on.

No one else knows about his crush. Connie has a habit of keeping has feelings to himself, putting on the class clown façade like he has been since he was a kid.

Which... may or may not have caused an identity crisis and Connie being unsure of his true personality.

And makes him think that even on the off chance that Sasha likes him too, she wouldn't like the true him

A knock comes on the door.

Please don't be Sasha, please don't be Sasha, please don't be-

Sasha barges into the room holding a baked potato. "Hey! You can't just kiss me and then walk away like nothing happened!" she cries around a mouthful.

"Oh! Um, I... where do you get a potato? You lost meal privileges!" Connie says.

"Don't change the subject! If you really meant it, you'll kiss me properly right now!" Sasha demands in mock indignity, smiling. She obviously expects him to comply.

But Connie doesn't move. There's no point.  Sasha wouldn't like the real him - there's no point in leading her on. He cares about her too much. Her smile wavers.

"Hello? Did you hear me?"

Still no movement.

Her smile fades, replaced with a look of hurt. He almost gives in - he can't stand seeing her like this. But he remains still.

"I can't believe you. And to think I thought you liked me - to think I liked you." Sasha walks out, glancing behind her as if expecting Connie to admit to this all being a joke.

When she's gone, he buries his face in his pillow and groans. Now what has he done? He just can't stop messing things up, can he?

He sits up again and looks down at his hands. Who am I? he wonders. If you asked any of his friends, they would all say something like, "Funny, carefree, cheerful." But is that the real him? He's never stopped pretending long enough to find out.

Actually, that's a lie. He knows a few main things about himself... but he hasn't accepted them yet.

If he wants to be with Sasha though, maybe he should tell her. Connie knows her well enough that he knows she would help him find himself.

The walk to Sasha's room seems awfully long, yet impossibly short at the same time. When he finally gets there, though, he wishes it took longer.

He knocks on the door. "Sasha?"

"Come in!"

He turns the knob and opens the door. "Hey."

"Oh. It's you."

"Yeah. So, about earlier... I sort of need to talk to you about something. I promise you I didn't want to hurt you, so please... just hear me out."


"So, um, the reason I didn't kiss you - even though I wanted to, trust me - is because I don't think you would love who I really am."

"What?! Of course I would! Connie, you're my favorite person on this earth, and nothing can change that."

"I wouldn't be so sure. First of all, the whole "class clown" thing is fake. I make jokes to hide fear and pain."

"Connie, there's nothing wrong with that!"

"I have days where I want to give up. I get depressed really easily. I might have an ED."

"All things we can work on! Together.

"And I'm genderfluid."

There. He said it. The thing he's been hiding for years. If Sasha hates him for it, she hates him for it.

"Connie, I'm so incredibly proud of you for telling me. And, luckily for you, I'm pan."

Connie turns to her. "Really?"

"Yup. So, do you still want to..."

I stop her with a kiss.

(It was hard, but I managed to write a fanfic that wasn't pure Eruri lol. Btw, check out my @good friend greythefrog's works. They do tons of Haikyuu fanfics that are super good! Also, as I was writing this, @Brightnose7755 voted on yet another of my stories. Let me just tell you, that means the world to me. Seriously. From your account, I can see you are a person of culture. Eruri forever!)
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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