Levi Whump Pt 2

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TW: Self harm, breakdown, mention of hallucination + death)

Property of Petra Rall

"Where did he get that?" Erwin asks Hange, confused.

"He went out into the woods to train a few hours ago. I saw the rain start and figured he'd either come home on the horse he took or find shelter for the night. His horse isn't here, so something must have happened to it. My guess is, while looking for shelter, he came across that place where... it happened. The cloak was by his footprints."

"Oh," Erwin says as realization hits him. He can't  imagine how difficult it must have been for Levi. And waking home in the rain, while depressed, hungry, and exhausted- this was worse than before. Much, much worse.

Erwin looks down at the shivering, soaked man on the floor, almost unrecognizable. He finally notices the blood on his face. He reach's to wipe at it and snatches his hand back.

"Oh my God, Hange, he's burning up. What do we do?" Erwin asks, panicking.

"First of all, take a deep breath. Try to calm him down while I get some fresh clothes and a towel."

"Um, ok..." Erwin says nervously, trying to figure out what to do. He reaches out and pulls Levi to him. This time, he doesn't resist or flinch, either from exhaustion or because he finally recognizes Erwin.

"Shh, it's ok, you're safe, you don't have to worry, it'll be ok, shh," he rambles, stroking his hair and internally freaking out. He's never seen Levi like this.

Hange clomps back down the stairs with an armful of supplies, and together they manage to dry him off and get him into warm clothes. They set him by the fire in a blanket and Erwin pours him tea, which he doesn't touch. He just rocks back and forth, muttering.

Hange comes over with a thermometer. With some coaxing, Levi takes it in his mouth. Hange checks the temperature and their eyes widen.

"What is it?"

"104 degrees."


"I don't think this is just a cold... have you noticed him acting weird or anything?"

Erwin hange his head in shame. "Well, I noticed that he seemed tired, and was skipping meals, and knives were going missing..."

"What?!" Hange cries and grabs Erwin's shoulders, giving them a slight shake. "And you didn't say anything? Erwin, this is serious! Look at Levi! He's hallucinating, running a fever, and did you see how many damn scars were on his wrists?"

"I'm sorry! I thought-"

"You thought what?" Hange says, looking betrayed and hurt.

"I thought he was ok now! After the whole... incident."

Hange softens slightly. "Listen, one conversation can't fix issues like this. This man sat in a room with his mothers corpse slowly starving to death as a small child. He watched most of his friends die."

"I know. I'm sorry," Erwin says again. "I was stupid for thinking it would be ok."

"Everyone makes mistakes. Frankly, I get why you didn't want to acknowledge the problem," Hange assures him. "Just sit with him. Try to help him relax. I'm going to get him some food, find those damn knives, and then I'll help."

They walk away and Erwin sits down next to Levi. He tries to touch him and he flinches away again.

"Levi? It's me. It's Erwin. You're safe."

He looks at Erwin in fear. He reaches out again and Levi swats him away, standing. "Get away from me!" he says surprisingly loudly for someone who shouldn't be able to stand.

"Sit down! You're too sick to be standing..." Erwin hisses, afraid Levi will wake the others. He stands and tries to get the shorter to sit, but he resists. They continue this for a while, until Levi suddenly goes limp. Erwin catches him and sees that sweat is beading Levi's upper lip.

Erwin carefully sets him down as Hange walks in with a damp washcloth. They place it on Levi's forehead.

"He just randomly fell," Erwin says worriedly.

Hange nods. "He's fine. His fever just broke."

"So what do we do now?"

"We wait for him to wake up. That's all we can do at this point."

• • •

The next morning, Levi opens his eyes to see Erwin and Hange standing over him.

"What..." he says weakly as he tries to lift his head.

"Shh, don't try to talk. Or move. Or do much of anything, really," Hange says.

"You're safe, don't worry. You just had an... episode," Erwin assures him.

Levi searches his memory and comes up blank. He remembers leaving to train, but nothing else.

"Just take it easy, ok?" Hange smiles. "You're not going to be doing anything but rest for a few weeks, so get comfortable."

"What? No," Levi says, heaving himself up. "I can train. Give me a few minutes and I'll be good to go."

"I don't think so," Erwin says, raising an eyebrow. "You don't hide things as well as you think you do."

Levi panics. "You mean, you know about-"

"Yes," Hange says. "Which is exactly why you're going to rest. Commander's orders."

Erwin nods his approval.

"What happened to make you guys get all protective?" Levi asks.

They glance at each other and look back at him.

"We'll talk about that later. For now, go the hell back to sleep. You look terrible."

Levi rolls his eyes but does as he's told.

"Sweet dreams," Erwin smiles.

(Sorry that ending was so cheesy I didn't know what to say sofnekfeirjo)

- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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