Hange - Surprise!

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Hange Zoë is receiving odd letters - no address, no name, just gibberish. At first it seems like nothing. But what happens when one of the letters is more than just random words?

Things have been going great for Hange Zoë. They've finally settled into a routine, or as close to one as you can get when you're a soldier fighting titans.

They walk into the HQ kitchen to grab coffee, to see most of the Scouts there as well.

"Morning Connie! Pronouns?"

"She/her!" she says. "Thanks for asking."

"Hey Eren! How are things?"

"Pretty good," Eren replies.

This is their morning ritual. They walk around, check on everyone, then get to work. As they walk down to their room, they notice a letter under their door.

Huh. Weird. Mail has been scarce. They pick it up and examine it. No stamp, return address, nothing. Hange flips the envelope open. A piece of paper slides out.

"Come to stop and get the wrong idea and do not have to go back on time and get a job done before we get into a for the-"

The whole thing is gibberish. Hange rolls their eyes and sighs; one of the soldiers must have had one too many shots. They put the letter in a drawer so they can ask around about it later.

The rest of their day goes as scheduled: tons of meetings, training, nothing super interesting. So much so that they forget to ask about the letter. In fact, they forget all about it.

The next day, around the same time, they walk past their door to see another envelope on the ground. They want to throw it away, but what if it's something important? They unfold the paper inside and...

"To stop to do a thing for me and my and my are going on my own and i'm i just to do something that-"

Ugh. Same thing. They nestle the crumpled paper next to the first one.

They're expect the letters to stop there, but they only continue. The next day...

"The story ends at a time when the people who have watched their parents and watch videos of them is being watched-"

And the next...

"Kitchen has been doing so well and i do it in a long way for us and i get to know that we-"

And the next...

"Now we have no regrets for being in a coma and not even in the way it is a matter fact is happening-"

Finally, after all that, Hange comes back to their room to see another envelope- but this one is different: it's bright red. They sigh and open it, expecting gibberish, but they're surprised to see that the words make sense:

"First word of all the letters"

That's it. Hange digs through the drawer they'd been stashing the letters in and lines them up next to each other on their desk.

"Ok... the first word..."


Confused, they check again to see if they read correctly. The kitchen? They were just there.

No harm in checking.

They walk the corridors to the kitchen, confused. When they arrive, the lights are off. They cautiously step in. The lights flicker on.


They jump as all of the Scouts flood out of hiding.

"What? What's going on?"

Levi scoffs. "A surprise party. What do you think?"

"But why?"

Historia shouts from the back. "Because you always look out for us, so we wanted to surprise you, and Levi said we should-"

Levi silences her with a glare. Hange smirks and looks at him.

"Levi, out of all the people here, I didn't think this would be your idea."

"Well, it wasn't really my idea. I just-"

"It was Levi!" Someone shouts.


"It was totally him!"

"Shut up, all of you!" Levi shouts. Everyone is silent, but they're still snickering.

"Anyway," Erwin speaks up. "We thought you could use a break! Oh, and there's a surprise outside."



They hurry outside, trailed by the rest of the Scouts. They don't believe their eyes when they see what's outside.

"No way! New titans?"

"And you'd better not let them get killed like last time. We nearly got killed capturing them." Levi mutters.

Erwin punches him.

Sasha, Connie, and Jean are seeing who can spin longer without falling over.

Armin and Mikasa are trying to keep Eren from attacking Jean for accidentally hitting him.

Historia and Ymir are standing against a wall holding hands.

Reiner and Bertoldt are drawing a mustache on a portrait of an old commander.

Yeah. Hange's friends are the best.

(Hai guys! I didn't have a lot of inspo today so I hope this is good enough! Maybe tomorrow I'll do some more Eruri 😏. In other news, this book is almost at 100 reads!!! Thank you guys so much! I'm also working on fixing my account so I can follow y'all, respond to comments, etc!)
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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