My Sunshine

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Erwin Smith is dying. And there's nothing I can do about it.

I'm holding the limp commander in my arms, staring at the body that was once the man I loved. Now, it's little more than a burned, bleeding corpse. But Erwin's chest still rises and falls. There's still a flickering flame of life within him.

"Please. Erwin, keep you eyes open. Don't close your eyes. Don't go to sleep," I begs in a whisper.

Erwin says nothing. Little more than breath can pass through his swollen lips.

"Stay with me. I can't do this without you."

I still don't get a response, but I'm not expecting one.

"I'm begging you. I'm begging you from the bottom of my soul. Don't go. Don't leave me alone," I sob. My breath is coming in short rasps and a lump forms in my throat. My hands are shaking.

"Remember- remember that time I tried to kill you?"

I laugh without humor.

"Remember when I beat up that Eren brat and you took me aside after and asked if I was ok?"

The tears are flowing freely now.

"Remember how you used to come up behind me and hug me in the middle of everything? And rest your chin on my head?"

I should help the others, but who cares?

"Remember how you gave me stupid nicknames and to get you back I called you Irvin for a good week?"

I don't know why I'm saying these things. Deep down I know there's no saving him.

"Remember how you used to say 'I love you' for no reason? I'd ask why and you'd just say because."

I could keep going, but a hand swats my arm weakly. I realize I've closed my eyes, trying to block the tears.

Erwin has opened his eyes and a bit of hope flickers in me.

"Get me out... of this hell," he mutters.

The short-lived hope dies.

I know what he's asking. Erwin isn't the sort of man to beg someone to end his life. He's asking me to make it easier.

For whatever reason, I think back to when my mother was alive. On the few occasions she was sober, when I cried, there was one song she sang to me that always helped.

I begin to choke out the lyrics.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."

He smiles faintly and closes his eyes. I hold his head gently in my arms.

"You make me happy... when skies are grey..."

I'm sobbing so hard I can barely get the words out. But I have to. For him.

"You'll never know dear... how much I love you..."

His breathing slows and becomes lass labored as his muscles relax.

"So please don't take my sunshine away," I sing with a sense of finality, tears streaming down my face.

I look down at the head in my arms.

It's expressionless.

I knew this was coming, but I still break. "No, God, please, nonononono..." I say frantically, shaking his shoulders.

"Come back. Don't leave me here. Don't leave me here all alone like all the others did. At least bring me with you. Let me escape from this hell too."

He doesn't listen.

Death halts for no one.

Unless you wish for it.

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