Sasha Braus - Done For

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Sahsa Braus' best friend, Connie Springer, just found proof of a relationship between captain Levi and commander Erwin. There's only one problem - Levi caught them red-handed!

This is not good.

Me and my best friend, Connie Springer, have been caught looking through Levi's personal diary - and showing our findings to all the other Scouts.

Now we're being brought back to Levi's office. I've heard horror stories from cadets who were sent to the dreaded place - safe to say we'll have at least one bruise by the time we leave. ("Pain is the best discipline", right?) Or, even worse, we could be stripped of meal privileges. Now THAT would be an effective discipline.

I'm startled when the captain, still facing forward speaks.

"Exactly where did you get that... journal, Springer?"

"Oh, um... it was... er..." Connie stutters.

"Oh, stop blabbering. I know exactly where you got it. You broke into my private room."

"Er... yes, sir. That's correct," Connie admits.

"And just how much of the journal did you read?" Levi asks it like a threat.

"Well... we read until the last entry, sir," Connie says, barely holding back a laugh.

The captain stops short for a second, then continues walking.

"I... see. And I'm under the impression that the other Scouts saw it as well?"

"Y-yeah," Connie giggles. He clears his throat and composes himself. "Um, I mean, yes sir."

Levi suddenly wheels around, and before I can process it, punches Connie in the face. The younger Scout staggers back and falls, holding his cheek. But, being Connie, he just bursts out laughing, which makes me laugh too.

Levi glares at us both. Oh crap. We're done for. Im sure he's going to punch me too-

Until Erwin rounds the corner. He surveys the scene: Levi, red from anger or embarrassment, I'm not sure. Connie, sprawled on the ground, holding his rapidly swelling cheek and laughing hysterically. Me, standing stupidly nearby, giggling. And the diary, still in my hands.

The commander hurries to get between the captain and Connie.

"What is going on here?! What are you thinking, going around punching soldiers? And what does that book have to do with it? Let me see that," Erwin demands, holding out his hand to me.

"Erwin Smith, I swear, if you read that, I'll personally murder you." The captain threatens. Erwin, undeterred, opens the journal.

His eyes widen. He flips the next page, and the next, skimming until he gets to the sketch...

"Oh," is all he says.

By this time, Levi's face is bright red. He snatches the diary from the commander and stalks away.

Me and Connie burst out laughing as Erwin turns to go after the shorter man. But our laughter turns to cement in our throat as he turns his gaze on us.

"I understand that my Levi overreacted a bit... but you two still need to be disciplined. So, Connie, you're on dishwashing duty..."

"Aww, c'mon!" He groans.

"...and Sasha, you've lost meal privileges for the day."

"No! Please! Anything else!" I cry, but the commander is already hurrying down the corridor, calling Levi's name.

"Ugh." I sink to the floor.

Connie slides down next to me and puts an arm around my shoulder. I blush.

"He did not just say my Levi," he giggles.

I don't respond, either from embarrassment at Connie being so close to me or anger that I'm missing meals.

"Don't worry, I'll give you my meals," Connie promises. He hesitates for a moment, then leans over and kisses my cheek. He stands and walks away as I turn redder than Levi.

(Ok, this one's shorter, but the next one should be a normal length. I'm debating whether to write Erwin comforting Levi first, or delve deeper into what just happened between Connie and Sasha. Also, shoutout to @Brightnose7755 for voting for my stories! It means a lot!)
           - Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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