Sleepover - Part 2

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The Scouts are playing spin the bottle, and Jean's spin just landed on Mikasa...

Laughter like nothing before erupts. Jean flushes red, and Mikasa giggles nervously. They kiss for only a second, but afterwards they look at each other for almost a minute, as if they don't remember where they are. Finally, when they come to their senses, Mikasa takes Jeans hand as they sit back down, earning gasps from the audience.

"Ok, I think that's enough of that. We should get to bed," Levi says. Everyone groans.

"Aww, but I just had an idea for a game! Pleeeeease?" Connie begs.

Levi, who had a bit too much of that drink and doesn't feel like dealing with complaints, waves him off and leans against Erwin, closing his eyes.

"Ok," Connie begins, "so basically, this game is called confessions. We all have to share a secret about ourselves, a really deep one that we've never told anyone."

Nervous laughter sounds, but everyone agrees.

Connie nods. "Ok, I'll go first. I, uh, used to have a crush on Jean."

Everyone gasps and shouts. Jean looks like he's seen a ghost.

They continue to choose people at random, met with cries of "OoOoOoOo" and "This is getting good!"

Sasha goes next. "Me and Connie have been official for almost a month." she slurs in drunk confidence.

"WHAT?!" everyone screams simultaneously. Connie looks at Sasha in horror. She shrugs.

Mikasa comes third. She admits to having an ED, which is met with comforting words and hugs from nearly everyone in the room.

The next person chosen is Armin.

He shares how he used to have a bowl cut when he was a kid. Eren let out a huge laugh, noticeably louder than the others, wheezing and crying. "I REMEMBER THAT!" he gasps with tears filling his eyes. No one else knows just how much the memory affects him except for Armin, who gives him a warm smile as the laughter dies down.

Eren is next. Everyone knows he hates being embarrassed, so this is perfect to get something interesting going.

Eren, blushing tomato red, tells about the time when he was a kid and he confessed to Armin. He had tried to kiss him, but ended up falling in a stream. Everyone looks between the two. Armin looks like he's just been sunburned 10 times over, while Eren has a bit a of smirk as he laughed with the others.

Ymir is next; no one knows exactly what to expect, but knows that it's likely to be about Historia.

Historia and Ymir confirm their relationship, which no one is surprised by. (Jean had seen her kiss Historia when the mess hall was empty, and the whole non stop flirting thing was an indicator too).

Jean is next. By now most of the Scouts are totally blacked out but he still confesses.

He shows the scar on his knee from when he broke a window playing baseball and a fell on the glass.

"Seems like something dumb only you would do," Connie mumbles and falls alseep.

The last person left awake, Jean looks down at his and Mikasa's still interlaced fingers. He smiles as he nods off.

(Heyyy so this one was really fun to write and I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much! Also this book is almost at 200 reads?! Holy crap. Also thanks to @onedirectioner333333 for helping out with the ending of this! You helped a ton.)
                             - Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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