Understanding ~ An EruRi Fic by Brightnose7755

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This fic was written by Brightnose7755! (Something's wrong with my Wattpad and I can't tag them). They aren't able to post it so they asked me to post it here! Their writing is really good so go give them a follow! Enjoy :D

Now Levi does have anxiety, but it never shows
He is calm, stoic, strict, and many other words
that are not anxious, worried, and scared. Yet
here he was panicking as he walked down the
hall to Erwin's office. He was going to tell him the
truth, and if that ended their relationship he
would be devastated. He would understand
though. If someone else's partner came and told
them they weren't interested in having sex, they
would probably leave them.

So here he was walking down the hall at a much
slower pace than normal on his way to Erwin's
office to tell him he was not interested in having
sex with him or anyone else for that matter, so he
could back out of their relationship. Which would
destroy his soul and probably spiral into a
depressive state and end up with him making a
mistake and getting himself killed or just killing
himself, either way it didn't matter. Erwin would
leave him and Levi would die one way or another.
Sadly he arrived at the door much sooner than he
would have liked, but this had to be done. He just
walked in, he never knocked, that was his
privilege. The door creaked, as did the
floorboards as he walked to the desk. Erwin was
sitting in his chair, and he didn't look up when
Levi entered. Grunting to get his attention Levi
crossed his arms and put on his normal disdained
face, but when Erwin did look up the facade
melted enough for him to notice the anxiety in
Levi's eyes.

"Is something the matter?" Erwin's eyes and
voice filled with concern, as he put down his pen.
When Levi didn't answer he stood and walked to
the other side of the table.

"Um..... I-l have something to tell-um-you." He
looked down, not daring to meet the gorgeous
blue eyes that stared back at him. He dropped his
arms, his right hand fiddling with the cuff of his
shirt. The stuttering was so out of character, he
could feel Erwin's concern emanating off of him
in waves. He guided Levi over to the couch on the
far side of the room, gently taking Levi's arm in
his hand, pulling him to sit down next to the
larger man.

"Will you love me no matter what?" This is not
what he wanted to say, but he still wanted
reassurance that was most likely pointless. He
still wasn't looking at Erwin.

"Of course! Why would you even ask that?!" He
seemed taken aback, like Levi just said one of the
stupidest things in the world.

"Are you sure?" His voice was quiet.

'I'm positive, but why are you asking?" He
reached down to Levi's cheek, in hopes of making
him look up.

"Because... I have something I need to tell you."
He dodges the hand by nuzzling into Erwin's

'I don't... I don't want to have sex." He started
out strong but his voice got quieter and was muffled by Eriwn's chest.

"Can you please repeat that?" Erwin was being
patient, which is more than Levi could've asked

"I don't want to have sex." He said it louder this
time. He suddenly wrapped his arms around
Erwin's middle. Erwin didn't say anything for a
while, the longer the silence went the worse
Levi's anxiety got.

"I get it if you don't want to be with me anymore.
Most people wouldn't have even given me a
chance, so l'Il leave now." He peeled himself from
Erwin's side, head hanging low. He still couldn't
meet those eyes.

As he was about to get up Erwin reached out and
pulled Levi flush with his body. The lips against
his were hard, but gentle. The kiss was
passionate, but sweet and kind, even loving. He
felt tears welling up in his eyes. He blinked rapidly
trying to deter them from falling. They broke
apart, the tears came crashing down as Levi
realised that would be the last kiss they shared.
"Levi." He paused then sighed, "I don't care I still
love you even if that means we'll never have sex.
It just means we have more time to cuddle, and
talk to each other." He gasped, that's not how this
was supposed to go. Erwin was supposed to
reject him, to cut ties. Yet here he was, smiling
down with those pretty blue eyes.

"You really don't care?" His voice is quiet
His voice is quiet and hopeful. Tears stillstreaming down his face. He cupped his cheek,
cradling the smaller face in his palm.

"No l don't. I love you just as much as before, our
relationship is already out of the ordinary." He
was referring to the fact that the two of them
were men. "I'm also glad you told me, it means
you trust me right." He says with a smile on his
face. Levi jumps into Erwin's lap and kisses him

Later they were curled up in Erwin's bed which
really they shared most nights. They just sat and
cuddled, enjoying each other's company.
Occasionally they would kiss or say something.


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