AOT Headcanons

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Hey my lovely readers! Since the last oneshot was really gruesome, I wanted to take a break and just write some of my headcanons! New oneshot tomorrow, promise!

Eren is bisexual (female preference). Because of his fear of being bound, he is really claustrophobic. He's been in love with Armin for most of his life, but they just got together around the time they became cadets. He will sometimes not eat for like a whole day, not on purpose, just because he forgets.

Mikasa is omni (male preference). She has a deep fear of abandonment. She was recovering from an ED at the time they first became cadets. She seems really reserved, but once you get to know her, she's really sweet and funny. She can't stand dresses and skirts. For the first few weeks after Eren gave her her scarf, she didn't take it off or wash it until Eren reminded her.

Armin is bisexual (male preference). His pronouns are he/they. He rejected Eren for a while, despite having a crush on him, because he was afraid they would face hate. His biggest fears are being useless and losing a loved one, so he constantly needs to be busy and will sometimes get up in the middle of the night to check on Eren, then end up sleeping next to him.

Connie is genderfluid, and likes girls and boys. They act like the class clown, but they're secretly really insecure. They still have a great sense of humor, though. They're also really getting tired of people making jokes about Conny from The Promised Neverland.

Sasha is pan. She likes to think she has a very specific taste, but make her food, especially something with potatoes, and she's instantly in love with you. She has a fear of starvation that comes form living in a place with scarce food, which is why she eats so much. Her ideal date: a picnic. Enough said.

Jean is straight. He has a super deep fear of rejection, and often feels like no one likes him. He falls in love super easily, and once he has a crush, it's there to stay. Connie and Sasha are his first real friend group, and he's super loyal and protective of them. Oh. and the horse face jokes are getting old, by the way.

Historia is bi (female preference). I would say lesbian, but... season 4 events. She always got in trouble from her dad because of it; he didn't accept her. She has mixed feelings about being queen, but she loves the food. She has a fear of letting people down, and often overworks herself. But she's super sweet and trustworthy. She has a really strong imagination, and sometimes, when she has a nightmare, when she wakes up she can almost see the aftermath of it.

Ymir is lesbian. She hates being seen as weak. She went through a big heartbreak when she was younger, and now has trouble opening up to people, romantically or not. She secretly loves attention and affection, though. She's also that person who holds a baby and immediately wants to punt it like a football.

Hange is genderqueer and pansexual. They usually use they/them pronouns, or just no pronouns, but if you call them she/her or he/him they don't really mind it. They used to have a crush on Levi but are now the #1 Eruri shipper. They've love science, and have since they were a kid. They have a fear of losing friends, so they can be clingy sometimes. They're sometime seen as loud or annoying, but they couldn't care less.

• Erwin is gay. He's also the manifestation of "gentle giant" People are often afraid of him because of his size and tough exterior, but he's actually super nice. He puts a lot of pressure on himself to make the right decision, and for every death caused by his orders he used to make a mark on his wall. Then, Levi found out and he came back from training to find it completely painted over and replaced with "Don't be so hard on yourself, dumbass."

• Levi is gay. He kept it a secret for a while... or at least he thought he did. Everyone knew though. He's super emotional and hard on himself, but hides it by coming off as harsh and mean to others. He often doesn't sleep because of insomnia, and because he doesn't think he deserves it. He makes up for showing vulnerability by training and skipping meals. Erwin found his drawer of his fallen comrade's patches, but didn't tell him because he knew Levi would be embarrassed. He often gets made fun of for his height, but one kick is enough to shut people up.

(Like I said, new oneshot tomorrow! I might do another Hange one. Please give me ideas! They really help.)
               - Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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