Eruri - Modern AU

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Levi Ackerman lives in the city with his boyfriend, Erwin Smith. One day, he comes home to a strange note...

I walk through the door of me and Erwin's apartment, hanging my coat carefully by the door. "Erwin! I'm home!" I shout. No response. He's probably got the TV turned up too high again.

I click through the kitchen in my polished work shoes, removing my suit jacket and tie and draping them across the back of a chair. I wrinkle my nose at the sight of the table, cluttered with papers. I'll have to clean that later.

"Erwin?" I call again. Nothing. Even though I try to take deep breaths, I can feel my heart rate increasing a scenarios run through my head. I pass into the living room.

There's a note on the coffee table. I pick it up and read.

"Go to the coffee shop down the block, where we met."

Confused, I look around as if hoping to find an explanation. When none comes, I put my coat back on and make my way out the door, to the lobby, and down the street, stopping outside our favorite coffee shop. As always, the smells of coffee and cinnamon waft out.

I walk in and a barista turns to me. "Levi?" I nod. He hands me another slip of paper and walks back to the counter.

I unfold the note.

"Go to the park beach where I asked you to be my boyfriend."

I hurry outside, still confused, and hail a taxi to take me to Central Park. I remember the location perfectly. When I arrive at the bench, chilled to the bone and barely able to see in the twilight, I see her another slip of paper. It reads:

"Go to the restaurant where we had our first date."

Is this just another of Erwin's sentimentalities? A trip down memory lane? Probably, I think. Maybe at the end we'll go on a nice date. Erwin has been talking about a new pottery place he saw.

I hurry through the frigid night to the Olive Garden by my office. A note is taped to a nearby light post.

"Finally, go to the address on the back of this paper."

I flip the paper around and study the location on the back. I don't remember ever being there before. Crap, what if I forgot an anniversary or something? I speed walk to the address, which isn't to far away.

It's a medium sized, red brick house with a red front door and a wraparound porch. And in front of it...

"Erwin! What is this? What are you doing?"

Then I catch sight of what he's holding.

"Oh. Oh my goodness."

It's a ring box. He kneels and opens it, smiling.

"Levi, we have been dating for 5 years now. After all that time, I've come to realize that I want you in my life forever, and I'm hoping you want me in yours. So, Levi Ackerman, will you marry me?"

I can't speak, so I just nod, beaming.

He grins right back, standing and sliding the ring into my finger. I kiss him, unspeakably happy. Eventually, he pulls away and reaches into his pocket.

"I have another surprise for you."

"Erwin Smith, there's no way you'll surprise tonight me any more than you already have."

"We'll see about that."

He removes his hand from his pocket, revealing a set of keys.

It takes me a few seconds to comprehend. "Oh. OH."

Erwin smiles warmly and gestures to the house. To OUR house.

"Welcome home, Levi."

(Sorry but I NEEDED some Eruri fluff lol. Idk what to do next so any suggestions? Also until my account is fixed (I sent a ticket thingy) I might have one of my friends reply to comments for me if that makes sense? Idk)
           - Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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