Connie Springer - Proof

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Connie Springer just found what could hold proof of what him and the other Scouts have been suspecting for a long time now - a relationship between the captain and the commander. And he's going to milk it for all it's worth.

Connie Springer can't believe his luck. He just hit the jackpot - Levi's diary. It's not like he stole it or anything... it was just sitting out on a table! Sure, that table is in Levi's personal room...

But that's not important. What is important is the leverage he now has. He practically sprinted down the hall to get to his room when he found the journal, and he's now sitting on his bed, trying to guess what secrets the pages will hold. Tea on the other military officials, maybe, or Levi's opinions on the Scouts. Or, if he's really lucky, maybe it will hold the proof of what the Scouts have been suspecting: Erwin and Levi's friendship being more than just a friendship.

Honestly, the two higher ups were SO bad at hiding their feelings for one another, it was laughable. Staring at one another from across the room, making speeches of dedication to the other which they insisted were purely platonic, and Levi had even smiled at Erwin once. Smiled!

Connie is getting impatient, so he flips the book open...

and is met with a full page of just Erwin's name. Different fonts, sizes, and are those... HEART DOODLES?! Connie snorts and begins to laugh uncontrollably. This is too good! He can't wait to show Sasha. But first, he wants to read the whole thing. This is a once on a lifetime opportunity, and there's no way he's going to miss out.

The next page is a lengthy, detailed description of Erwin, but all dreamy, like:

"Beautiful blue eyes, which I feel I could drown in. Angel soft blonde hair, the color of straw in summer..."

Connie nearly dies of laughter. How cliché can you get? He tries to muffle his giggles, though. If Levi catches him, it's over for Connie. The captain will either murder him violently, or kick him in the face and then murder him violently. Both not great options.

More pages are filled with recollections of the various ways Erwin has saved Levi's life - saving him from a titans, dragging him back to HQ when he broke his legs, and, quote unquote, "saving me from my thoughts too many times to count."

Connie eagerly flips the pages, reading through accounts of daydreams:

I see him across the room, and although I should be paying attention to the strategy meeting, all I can focus on are those eyes... I want to look into them all day.


Some nights, when I am able to sleep more than a few hours, I dream of the day I met Erwin. And, even though I don't deserve sleep, these dreams make me want it. I still can't sleep most nights, though. Why should I? Sleep is a break from training, and so many of my comrades have died because of me not training hard enough. No, I need to stay awake and train, to make sure no one perishes at my hand ever again.

Even nightmares:

I don't think I'll ever sleep again. Last night I dreamt that my beautiful Erwin was taken... killed by a titan. I awoke and cried for the first time in months. Today I will have to train twice as hard to make up for showing vulnerability. I might skip meals as well. I can never break, because if I break, others suffer. A weakling who cries over the imaginary deserves punishment, and pain is the best discipline.

Wow. Connie never realized how much Levi struggles. He actually feels bad for the captain...

But all of those thoughts slip from his mind when he sees the next page.

One the left, an incredibly detailed and realistic sketch of Erwin.

And on the right...

I have never been happier in my life... Erwin just confessed to me. Erwin! Confessed to me! I feel like a different version of myself. For once, how many titans I killed on a mission, or how long I sleep, or how happy I allow myself to be - none of it matters. All that matters is my beautiful, perfect Erwin. And I know that I matter just as much to him.

YES!!! This is it! The proof Connie has been waiting for! He rushes out to Sasha's room and barges in.

"Connie! What are you doing in such a rush?" Sasha inquires. She stands and puts a hand on Connie's shoulder. A blush creeps up his neck, but now isn't the time for that. He sits on the bed - the one piece of furniture in the tiny room - and shows Sasha through the journal.

"Dude! This is too funny!" Sasha crows.

"But you haven't even seen the best part!" Connie laughs. "Look at this - our suspicions were correct!" He shows her the last page.

"No way! You're serious?!" Sasha cries. "We have to show the others!" She stands and calls down the hall which has all of the Scout's rooms. "Guys! Come here!"

Soon, the small space so packed with people, all laughing and gasping as Connie goes over the journal for the third time.

"Oh my gosh, you're serious?" Jean doubles over.

"This is too good!" Eren cries.

"AHEM," a voice comes from the hall. A familiar voice.,"Just what are you all doing in here?"

Captain Levi forces his way into the room as soldiers flee to their rooms. When the captain sees what Connie and Sasha are holding, his eyes widen.

"You two. Come here. Now."

(Wow, this one is long. Sorry about that, I just got caught up writing lol. Anyway, the plot thickens! Stay tuned for the next update 👀)
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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