Jean - I'm Fine

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(I made this when I didn't have a lot of inspo sorry) Jean Kirstein wakes up one day not feeling like himself, but he brushes it off. When it continues to worsen, however, he starts to worry...

TW: super brief description of wound

I woke up this morning feeling really tired, but I ignored it and went to meetings anyway. Now I regret that decision. Sitting at a table for 3 hours and listening to people talk about things that don't make sense without falling asleep is hard enough as it is. Now I can barely keep my eyes open.

Sasha nudges me. My eyes snap open. "What?" I groan.

"Dude, you need to stay awake! Last time I fell asleep in a meeting, they took away my meal privileges." She shudders. "Did you not sleep or something?"

"I'm fine," I yawn. "Just tired from the mission yesterday."

"Ms. Braus! Mr. Kristein! Do you have something to add?" one of the commanders asks.

"Uh, no! I mean, no sir, I don't," I correct, feeling like a child in school.

"Then close your mouth and listen!"

"Yes, sir!" Sasha shouts. I wince, a stab of pain hitting my head. Geez, maybe I didn't get as much sleep as I'd thought.

The rest of the meeting goes without incident, if you don't count Sasha elbowing me every five minutes to keep me from nodding off. Afterwards, I stagger back to my room. Training doesn't start for a while, so I might as well get some sleep.

I'm just going to take a quick nap, but when someone nudges me awake later, the clock on my wall says 12:00.

"Jean!" Connie slaps me across the face. "Wake up!"

"Ok, I'm awake! You don't need to hit me!" I sit up and I'm immediately hit with a wave of pain on my arm, where I got bitten by a titan yesterday. I grimace.

"Holy crap Jean, are you ok? It feels like you're running a fever," Connie worries. He reaches to check, but I slap his hand away and stand.

"I'm fine, alright? Im just tired from the mission."

"I don't know, Jean. Your complexion is scaring me. Please, just sit down."

I brush past him and walk down the hall to training. When I get there, everyone is practicing with their ODM gear. I sneak in and join them, hoping no one noticed me come in late. We practice for hours, and all through it I try to ignore the pain in my head and how much I'm sweating, despite it being late fall.

Finally, practice is over. I stumble to the building and slide down against the wall, drained. Sasha and Connie sit next to me.

"Hey, I wonder what's for dinner!" Sasha cries. "Ooooo, I heard someone say they saw new meat shipments come in today-" She stops when she looks over at me. "Jean, you good? You've seemed sick all day."

"Nah, I'm fine. I just need to sleep. ODM training is tiring."

"Ok..." Sasha looks at me with concern. "We can walk you to your room if you want."

"If it makes you feel better, sure," I sigh. I use the wall to help me stand.

Connie stands beside me, offering his arm. I swat him away. "I can walk on my own! I told you, I'm fine."

"You really wanna walk by yourself? Alright, let's see that," he sighs.

I take one step and fall against the wall. Connie raises an eyebrow.

"Here, put your arm around my sho- Or just fall on me. That works too."

I lean against him and we slowly make our way to my room. When we get there, I collapse on my bed.

"Listen Jean, I know you're sicker than you're letting on," Connie says.

"I'm not sick! I'll prove it!" I start to sit up, but Sasha holds me down.

"As much as I want you to rest right now, it's freaking me out that I can hold you down this easily." Suddenly, she furrows her brow. "Hey... what's wrong with your arm?"

"Huh? I got bitten yesterday, remember?"

"Yeah, I know that. What I mean is, why is it all swollen?" She cautiously peels back the bandage. "Oh crap. Connie, look at this."

He peers at the wound and his eyes widen. "Dammit, Jean, how did you let it get that infected without telling anyone?"

"It's infected? I didn't know that!"

"You mean you didn't notice the swelling?"

"Oooooooh, that why I couldn't even touch it."

Connie rolls his eyes. "Jean, you are the smartest idiot I've ever met. Sasha, go get a doctor. Jean, just go to sleep, will you?"

He doesn't have to tell me twice.

(Ok sooo this is a super over-used trope but I'd never written it before so I figured I'd give it a shot. Tell me what you think! Also please please please give me ideas for Eruri or Mikasa oneshots! Anyway I checked the reads yesterday and the story had 30 more reads in an HOUR?! Holy crap! Thank you guys so much!)
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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