Mikasa - Sleepwalking

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Hi I didn't have any inspo and my friend gave me this idea and I thought it was funny lol.

Mikasa Ackerman has been sleepwalking since she can remember. For her, it's normal to wake up in a completely different place from where she went to sleep. It's normal for Eren and Armin as well, they're used to it by now. But the other Scouts don't know about it... that is, they didn't until one night while on a mission.

They had camped within the giant forest for the night, rotating guard duty even though they had killed all the titans within a mile. Levi, Hange, Historia, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa had been sleeping in their tents, leaving Ymir, Erwin, Jean, Connie, and Sasha on guard.

Connie looked down as a rustling came from the direction of Mikasa's tent. Puzzled, he peered into the growing darkness. It couldn't be a titan, could it?

The tent flap unzipped and Mikasa stepped out. Connie relaxed, relief washing over him. "Hey, Mikasa? What're you doing? You should get some sleep!"

No response.


She walked stiffly forward and stood silently. Connie climbed down the tree he had been standing in with his ODM gear, stopping in front of her. Her eyes were closed. Baffled, he called her name again.

"Mikasa? Is this a joke?"

Still nothing.

Sasha whizzed down next to him. "Hey, what's wrong? Mikasa, what're you- hey, why are her eyes closed?"

"I don't know! She just walked out of her tent for ni reason!"

"Maybe Erwin knows?"

"He went to get firewood!"

"Eren or Armin?"

"They're asleep!"


Just then, Erwin came out of the shadows, arms full of firewood.

"Commander Erwin! Something's wrong with Mikasa! She got up and walked around but her eyes are closed and she's not responding!"

Erwin dropped the wood beside the fire and walked over. "Oh, she's just sleepwalking. It's all fine."

"Ok, so, how do we wake her?" Sasha inquired.

"Uh, well.... I'm not actually sure."

The three stood there helplessly as Mikasa walked aimlessly around. After a few minutes, Connie spoke up.

"Should we, uh, get Levi?"

Erwin's eyes widened. "Oh, no, absolutely not. Waking Levi up at this hour is a death sentence."

"Well, what else can we do?" Sasha asked. "We can't just let her walk around for the rest of the night."

Connie rushed to turn Mikasa away from the fire, then turned and nodded his agreement.

Erwin's expression became resigned, as if he was a criminal being given the death sentence. "Ok. Just... come to my funeral, ok?" He turned and slowly walked toward the captain's tent as Shasta and Connie looked on nervously.

"He's not coming out of there alive, is he?" Connie asked.

"Nope," Sasha sighed.

They shuddered as they heard Levi scream curses and death threats. A minute later, he came out of the tent dragging Erwin by the ear like a misbehaving schoolboy. The two Scouts cowered. By now, most of the other Scouts had come down to watch the commotion.

"What is wrong with you guys?! It's the middle of the night!"

"Well, uh, Mikasa is sleepwalking and we weren't sure..." Connie began.

Before he could finish, Levi yelled, "EREN! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE AND FIX HER!"

Eren walked dazedly out of his tent, confused. "Huh?"

Levi simply pointed to Mikasa, who was once again about to walk into the fire. Jean rushed forward to block her.

"Who, Mikasa? Just slap her," Eren yawned and walked back into his tent.


"Ok, ok, I'm coming!"  Eren stumbled over to where Mikasa was wandering, pulled back his arm, and slapped her hard across the face. She startled and opened her eyes, looking around, dazed. When she realized what was happening, she shrugged, yawned, and went back into her tent. Eren copied her, leaving the others standing confused in the dark.

Finally, Levi turned to the others. "Ok, show's over I guess. Get back to your stations."

"Yes, sir!"

The rest of the night passed without incident, and the Scouts all but forgot about the incident. That is, until a few days later...

(Lol I don't even know what this is but I had no motivation or time so yeah, hope you enjoyed anyway!)
       - Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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