Levi Tea Shop Au ∩^ω^∩

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So apparently Isayama has said that at one point Levi wanted to open a TEA SHOP?! I'm sorry it was too good. Also sorry the shop name is dumb lol.

I push the door open with my foot, trying not to spill the tray of tea I'm holding. I step into the main room of my tea shop, smiling a bit as I always do when I see people milling around in here. All of my years of saving and hard work payed off, and I bought this building to start my shop, Titan Brews, a few years ago.

The shop gained popularity quickly, and now dozens of soldiers, cadets, and regular citizens come through each day.

I deliver the drinks I'm holding to their table, then look around for something to do. I spot a blonde-haired man near the back who I've never seen before. I walk over to take his order.

"Hello, welcome to Titan Brews. What would you like today?"

The man looks up, and I recognize him as Erwin Smith, commander of the Scouts. I smile remembering how I almost joined them many years ago.

He smiles. "This is my first time here, what do you recommend?"

"I'm personally fond of black tea."

"Then I'll try that!"

I nod and go to make the tea. When I come back, I place the mug down and look up to realize it's my break time.

"I have off right now, mind if I sit?" I find myself asking.

"Not at all!"

I sit across from Erwin and we begin talking right away. I'm surprised to find it's easy. I find out that he loves riding horses and singin, even though he's terrible. I tell him about how I almost became a cadet, but decided to open this shop instead. Before I know it, it's time to get back to work. I say goodbye, and he's gone when I look back over a few minutes later.

The next day, I find Erwin in the same spot at the same time. We talk over my break again, both sipping black tea, which he says is incredible. I blush at the praise.

Every day for the next weeks, it becomes routine to sit in the back of the shop and talk over tea. I begin to look forward to the meetings. One day I look up to see him waving and smiling, and something stirs in my stomach. That was the moment I realized I was in love with him.

A month later, Erwin doesn't show up. Although disappointed, I just assume he couldn't make it. That is, until he doesn't show for almost two weeks. I start to worry.

Finally, after what seems like forever, Erwin shows up in his usual spot. I walk over and smile, which is quickly followed by a gasp as I see his arm - or what used to be his arm. Now there's just a bandaged stump.

He notices my reaction and smiles. "Is it that bad?" he jokes.

"How?" I manage.

"A titan." His face turns sad. "I'll need to retire. I can't keep serving like this."

I sit next to him and put an arm around his shoulders. "I'm so sorry."

"Well, it's not all bad. Now I can get a new job, and I was thinking, if you wanted, I could work here?"

I sit bolt upright and gasp again. "Really?!"

He nods.

"You're hired." I joke and shake his hand.



So he starts as a waiter in the shop. The next few weeks are the best of my life. They get better when he asks me on a date in early fall.

• • •

Years later, I stare down at the ring on my finger waiting for Erwin to show up to work. He comes in a bit late.

I swat his arm and laugh. "That's the second time you've been late this week! Do I have to fire you?"

But his expression is grim. He hands me a newspaper. The headline reads:

"Scouts Commander Killed in Deadly Battle with Beast Titan"

My hand flies to my mouth as I read the death count. I look up.

"That could have been you."

He nods grimly. "But it wasn't. And I'm grateful for that."

I nod and give him a side hug. We stand there in silence, thinking about what could have been.

Hiii here's the new chapter like I promised! UwU
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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