Jean - He's Gone

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Jean Kristien can't accept the death of his best friend, Marco

When Sasha walks into Jean's room with a tray of food, he isn't sobbing anymore. To her surprise, he's peacefully drawing. He's in shock, she thinks with a sigh. She walks over and sits down gently, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey. Whatcha drawing?"

She peers at the paper and sees a sketch of Marco.

"That's nice Jean. But why don't we draw something else?"

He looks up at her, smiling. "But I have to finish this before Marco gets back! I can't wait to give it to him!"

Sasha sucks in a breath. "Jean... Marco is gone. I told you that."

"So I'll give it to him when he comes home!"

Tears well in her eyes. "Jean... he's not coming back. Marco... is dead. He was killed by a titan."

Jean looks like he didn't hear her. He grins as he looks out the window. "I wonder what's taking him so long. We were gonna sneak some wine from the commanders." He laughs.

Sasha's heart breaks at the joy in his eyes. It was too much. He's in denial.

Before it all ended, Jean and Marco had been inseparable. Jean was the spontaneous one. Marco was the gentle one, the support system. Without him, Jean was crumbling like a building without a foundation.

Connie passes by the door and Sasha calls him in. She gestures to Jean. "He's... something's wrong. He keeps talking about when Marco is coming back..."

Connie puts his hands on Jeans shoulders and crouches to face him. "Jean, look at me. Marco is gone. He's never coming back. Not now, not today, not-" his voice catches, but he pushes on. "Not ever."

Jeans smile fades a bit. "So... I won't... I'll never see him?"

Connie shakes his head, pain in his eyes.

"He... he left me? Alone? He wouldn't- Marco wouldn't do that. We're best friends..."

There is a specific moment where they can see Jean break. The light goes out of his eyes. He doubles over as shuddering, heaving sobs come. He just sits there, crying, punching the floor. "NO! ITS NOT TRUE! HES NOT GONE! HES NOT-" he breaks off, gasping.

Sasha and Connie simply sit beside him as he sobs, for hours.

That light they saw that day never truly cam back to his eyes.

I wanted to write something sad lol
- Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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