Eruri High School AU Because I Said So (Pt. 1)

208 6 2

7:30 AM

Levi Ackerman walks into homeroom with his head down, his hood up, and headphones on. Yep, he's that kid. The kid everyone is scared of. The "quiet kid." He doesn't mind, though. He doesn't do well with people.

He flops down at his desk and pulls out his phone, tapping away at the screen mindlessly as the rest of the students file in and take their seats, none making eye contact or even glancing in his direction.

As per usual, the seats directly next to him stay empty. There's an unspoken rule among his classmates to stay away from him. So when someone sits in the chair beside him, he glances up in surprise before he can stop himself.

He looks up...

and up...

and up...

This dude is huge. Levi feels even smaller than usual, which is saying something. Standing at a minuscule 5' 2", he definitely wouldn't make the basketball team even if he was interested. The boy beside him could be the whole basketball team.

Aside from his tall frame, he has sandy blonde hair, neatly cut and brushed and really, really blue eyes. He's wearing beige dress pants and a brown sweater vest with a white button up shirt underneath, the kind of thing that looks casual and dressy at the same time. He wears an easy smile as he leans back and looks over at Levi.

He mouths words that the smaller can't hear over the music blasting in his ears. The new boy's face morphs into confusion, then he sees the headphones and reaches over and taps Levi's phone screen to pause the music.

Levi frantically reaches out to stop him, but it's too late. The boy looks surprised, and his eyes sparkle with amusement, but he doesn't say anything.

Levi rolls his eyes as his face heats up and takes off his headphones. "What the hell do you want?"

The other raises his hands in surrender. "Wow, sunny personality, I see. Not the sort of person I'd expect to listen to..." he drops his voice to a whisper. "Taylor Swift." he chokes back a laugh, trying to cover it with a cough.

Levi pulls him down by the collar and glares daggers at him. "Breathe a word of this and I will personally arrange your funeral."

The other looks into his eyes for a moment, then he holds up his hands again. "Wouldn't dream of it. Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Good." Levi releases him and the boy continues to stare. He tries to ignore him, tapping at his phone, until he can't stand it anymore.

He whips around. "Got a problem? Or did you forget how to move?"

The boy looks distracted. "Something like that."


He snaps back and clears his throat. "Uh... no. I just- I like your, um, nails."

Levi glances down at his black painted nails and back up. "Are you one of those bastards who don't like boys wearing nail polish and makeup? Because if so, you can piss off."

"No! I'm serious. They're cool."

"Hmm." Levi looks away again until the other clears his throat.

"I'm Erwin Smith. Nice to meet you."

Levi glances up. "Levi."


"Just Levi. Take it or leave it."

"Oh. Um. Ok." Another throat clear. Erwin turns away and watches the teacher as he begins the lesson. Levi continues to scroll on his phone.


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