Tell Your Past Self Something Important

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//AN: I have not read the manga, so we'll say this is the stuff they said right after season 4 pt 2//

"Do what needs to be done. It's going to tear you apart from the inside and your going to hate yourself and so will everyone else. But do it. Become what you hated so much. For them." -Eren

"He's not the one. Don't ask me how I know. Just trust me. You're only going to get hurt. Also, pay attention to the people who do the same for you." -Mikasa

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I tried not to let everyone down. I tried. You tried. We tried. But we were the wrong choice. We weren't enough, so become enough." -Armin

"Enjoy all the meals and time with friends you get. Don't cry. The best gift in the world is a contented death." -Sasha

"Don't doubt yourself so much. Be confident when you lead, and tell people how you feel. Do risky things, because otherwise people will pay for your cowardice. Don't forget the one who already did. Never, ever forget those bones in the ashes." -Jean

"Don't be such a coward that your emotions get in the way and you do things you'll regret. Your friends won't always be there to stop you. And laugh when no one else will." -Connie

"Live up to his legacy as well as you can. You failed three others already. Don't do it again. Never again. Put others first. Put yourself... who knows when." -Hange

"You're going to lose so many people and it's going to be too much and somewhere along the way you'll lose yourself, too. Everyone will be gone and you'll be alone. You won't know why you're still going. But if you can't fix things for yourself, do so for others. Just keep on fighting, keep on crying, keep hanging on by that thread called survival." -Levi

"Do as Levi says. Give up on your dream and die." -Erwin

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