LeviHan ~ Sick Day - Shortish Fluff

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So sorry for the delay on this request! Anyway so don't write this ship much but I do find it cute :D (Hange uses they/them pronouns in this fic)

Levi is about fed up with Hange. They've been coughing incessantly all day and still won't stop working.

As if triggered by the thought, Hange coughs from the desk beside him and their head snaps up from where it had almost touched the desk as they struggled to stay awake.

Levi had had enough. He stood up, scraping his chair across the floor, and stood in front of the Section Commander, arms crossed.

"Look at me."

Hange had started to drift off again. He grabbed their shoulders and shook them gently.


Their eye flew open and they dazedly gave him a salute. "Um... yes! Sir!"

Sighing, Levi pushed this hand down and held it. "Look. If you don't stop working, you'll just get worse. You're working yourself to death!

Now it was Hange's turn to sigh. "Levi, I already told you. I'm fine!"

The captain pressed a hand to their partner's forehead and felt them burning up. "Well, you're obviously not! I could cook a damn egg on your skin right now!"

"Look, I don't just stop work-" Hange's sentence was interrupted by a bout of coughing.

"That's it. Come with me. You're going to bed."

"Levi!" Hange protested, but they were too tired to do much else. They allowed themselves to be half-carried along the hallway, arm around Levi's shoulders.

As they reluctantly lay down on their small bed, Levi left the room quickly.

"Gee, thanks, babe. Leave your partner in a room by themselves after forcing them into bed rest."

But a few minutes later, he returns with a pile of stuff. He places a cool cloth on their forehead, sets water and soup beside them, puts another quilt on them, and sits beside them holding their hand.

Hange smiles and closes their eyes. "Maybe this isn't so bad."

Levi averts his eyes in embarrassment, and Hange laughs.

"Go to sleep, dumbass."

"Anything for you, honey."

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