But He Didn't

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TW: Mentions of death + self harm

The day I met Erwin, I tried to kill him.

I thought he'd hate me.

But he didn't.

•        •        •

The day I tried to fix Erwin's torn cape, I ended up ruining it.

I thought he'd yell at me.

But he didn't.

•        •        •

The day I first saluted Erwin, I saluted with the wrong hand.

I thought he'd laugh at me.

But he didn't.

•        •        •

The day I fell over from exhaustion on an expedition,  Erwin had to carry me back to HQ.

I thought he'd reprimand me.

But he didn't.

•        •        •

The day I first hugged Erwin, he hesitated to hug me back.

I thought he'd pull back.

But he didn't.

•        •        •

The day Erwin caught me cutting my wrist, I snapped at him.

I thought he'd snap back.

But he didn't.

•        •        •

The day I first kissed Erwin, I feared that I'd ruined something.

I thought he wouldn't kiss me back.

But he didn't.

•        •        •

The day I had a panic attack in front of Erwin after an expedition, I cursed myself for being weak.

I thought he'd do the same.

But he didn't.

•        •        •

The day I first told Erwin I loved him, I didn't think it through.

I thought he'd push me away.

But he didn't.

•        •        •

The day I held Erwin in my arms as he breathed his last, I silently pleaded.

I begged him to wake up.

But he didn't.

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