Truth or Drink With the AOT Characters

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Everyone is alive in this except people who died a long time ago, like Eren's parents and Isabel and Furlan. Don't ask me how they're all alive, getting along, and in a room together, bc idk and I don't feel like figuring it out lol. Also, some of the jokes won't make sense unless you have seen the OVAs.

The small sitting area of the Scouts HQ is crammed with many different faces. Of course, there are the Scouts. Eren, Armin, Mikasa, and the rest, as well as their leaders. Then there are the titan shifters and other Marleyans.

Jean sits in the middle, holding a giant flask of wine. He holds it up and shouts,

"Who wants a game of truth or drink?!" The audience cheers in agreement.

Eren speaks up. "If you're gonna ask all the questions, at least let us ask you first!"

Jean huffs. "Fine, if you insist, dummy."

Eren wastes no time; he's been waiting for this. "Have you ever had a crush on a boyyyyy?" he asks with a smirk.

Jean looks very nondiscreetly at Marco and takes a swig from the bottle.

"Ugh, cmon, it's not like it's a super well kept secret!" Eren whines, but Jean just shakes his head.

"Well, Eren, if that's how we're gonna do this, then what was that little letter I found on your dresser?"

Eren blushes bright red. He goes to take a drink but Jean laughs.


Eren huffs angrily and puts down the flask. "It was a letter from me to Armin that I hadn't given him."

"And why don't you tell the class what it said?"

"It was... me telling him... how much..." his voice fades.

"Telling him what?"

"That I l..."

"Speak up!"

"I love him! It was me saying how much I love him! Happy now?"

Jean smirks and nods as the others nudge each other and murmur. He turns to his next victim: Niccolo.

"Cmon, man, I thought we were friends!"

"And I thought you were single... but maybe I'm wrong. So, since when did you take Sasha on picnic dates?"

Him and Sasha both blush bright red and look away as the others laugh. He hesitates, then takes a drink.

Satisfied, Jean turns again... to Levi, who had only agreed to come so long as he was kept out of the games. The others hold their breath as Jean smiles mischievously.

"No. Absolutely not. Keep me out of this or I'll leave."

"Why... chicken?" Jean questions.

The rest of them cry "Oooooooo!" as Levi gets an angry expression and sighs.

"Fine. Ask and then leave me alone."

"Ok, ok. So, tell me..." his smile grows wider like he has the juiciest secret ever. "How often do you and the commander here sneak to the woods to kiss?"

Levi's eyes widen and Erwin looks like he might faint. The room grows silent, then Connie whistles and the whole room erupts into laughter. The captain, who never drinks, grabs the bottle and takes a huge gulp, which just increases the laughter more.

I'm super tired and procrastinating on schoolwork, so I'm gonna leave it at that. I'll probably do another part lol. Bye :D

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