Erwin Smith - Insecure

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Erwin Smith's best friend, Levi Ackerman - who he also happens to have a crush on - just came out as gay. But that doesn't stop Erwin from hesitating to ask him out...

It's been two days since the incident... and Erwin Smith is still working up the nerve to ask his best friend on a date.

I have always had self esteem issues. I may act  authoritative and sure, but inside I always second guesses myself. Every decision is stressful. For every death, I feel more pressure to make the right decision. I hate that my dream of making it to the basement clouds my judgement, so I'm always doubly hard on myself.

So when I consider asking Levi out, my brain immediately fills with insecurities.

What if it's too early?

What if he's not interested?

What if there's someone else?

What if  I don't know what to say?

What if I ruin everything?

Safe to say I'll be needing some help.

So, logically, I go to Hange's room.

"Hey! What's up? Any update on you know who?" Hange smirks when I enter.

"Nope," I sigh. "I can't seem to work up the nerve. But... I'll do it when the time is right."

The section leader looks at me skeptically.

"What?! It's the truth!" The half truth. But they don't need to know that.

"Are you sure you' n re not just nervous?"

I hesitate only for a second, but it's enough for Hange to read my expression.

"AHA! I knew it! How could you be worried? Have you seen the way Levi looks at you? You might as well be the greatest thing to ever exist!" They exclaim.

"I don't know. What if you're wrong? What if he is t interested and I ruin our friendship? What if-"

"What if, what if, what if. That's all you say! What if it goes perfectly? What if matchmaker Hange is always right?"

I don't reply.

"Ok, maybe not always. But 95% of the time. Anyway, what's the point of what if thoughts if you can't change them? Of course there are bad possibilities, but there are tons of good ones too!"

I sigh. I know Hange is right. For all the babbling they do, I don't remember an instance where Hange was completely wrong.

"Ok. I'll do it. But you have to come with me, ok?" I demand.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world! The romance of the century!" Hange mock swoons.

I roll my eyes and smile, then walk towards Levi's room.

When we arrive, Hange insists on staying outside. "This is your love story, not mine!" So, I walk in alone.

Levi looks up from his ODM gear that he's polishing and greets me with a nod of his head. "What is it?" He asks.

"Um.. I... I just wanted to... I wanted to know if..." I stop and breathe. "I really enjoy your company and I think I'm in love with you and I wanted to know if you would go on a date with me?" I say all
in one breath.

Levi makes a choking sound and looks up again from his gear. "What?!"

I begin to panic. "Uh... I mean, if you don't want to, it's perfectly fine. What I mean is, we don't have to-"

I'm cut off when Levi stands and hugs me fiercely. I hesitate, then hug him back.

Levi breaks away and looks up at me. "Yes. Absolutely," he smiles. "Erwin Smith, I would be happy to go on a date with you."

I can't say anything for a few moments. Then, I break into a smile and unconsciously whisper "Yes!" Levi laughs. He hardly ever does that. I love his laugh.

Suddenly, we are nearly knocked over by a third body running into us. I look up to see Hange, grinning, hugging us both. "I knew it! You two are perfect!"

"I know!" I say excitedly. "I can't believe he said yes!"

"Tch." Levi rolls is eyes. "You two are so sappy. You act as though we're getting married."

"You might as well be," Hange wiggles their eyebrows.

Levi rolls his eyes again, but I can see the corner of his mouth turn up in a badly suppressed smile.

This is perfect.

I just hope none of the cadets find out about this.

And this, my friends, is the power of foreshadowing. Also, I have decided that in my one shots Erwin does NOT die. Sure, that's not canon, but these are my stories, so whatever. And I can't relive that death. Sorry.)
                   - Madzzzzie_the_frog ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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