A Wake Up Call

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

IZUKU MIDORIYA, a QUIRKLESS boy walks home from a day of trials and tribulations... unsure of what the future brings. He struggles in a world that refuses to see his worth, while still fighting on. He struggles through his day, as those who reside on EARTH continue to remain blind to what he really is. Today is the day where that changes... and they will see that they are the unusual ones in the galaxy. That being Quirkless...



The green haired boy always asked himself, as he entered his hell, Aldera Middle School, Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

Izuku knows the truth... that something isn't quite right about the world.

Quirks aren't natural, not to him. Then again, the world turned its back on him for not having one, so he has no real reason to think that they are. They are what separate him from everyone else.

And they are quick to remind him of that.

"You think you can go to UA without a quirk?"
"You think you can be a hero?"
"What a joke."

Common sayings. The beatdowns he received were just as common. For someone who wants to be a hero... the one person who used to be his best friend sure acted like a villain. They were able to create explosions from their hands... and he was their favorite target.

He would never go past the brink of death. Is that the only thing stopping them? The threat to their careers...? No, if they had that as a threat, they wouldn't do this in the first place... They just want to keep me around... why is my life like this? He limped home, taking a different route than usual. This one passed through a secluded forest, along a long abandoned trail. He thought about his options. I could try to be a hero... but I'd need training... that I can't possibly do with him around...

His thoughts were interrupted by a growing noise from the sky. Turning towards it, he saw a fireball heading right towards him. A meteor?! He quickly ran out of the way just as it collided into the ground, throwing dirt into the air. Getting out from behind the tree he hid behind, Izuku carefully approached the crash site... and what he found shocked him.

A massive, sleek hunk of metal lay below. It was clearly created, as It had two elongated wings, and a head with two long red eyes. It faced away from him. It chittered in a language he didn't understand, trying to get to angle its wings to stand up, but it was far too damaged to move. All it could do was angle its head.

What.... Is that?

When a deer crossed its line of sight, it tracked it, watching it carefully for intent. When it figured out that it wasn't capable of attacking it, it went into shutdown, to conserve power.

Carefully walking around it, he viewed the machine from the front, but found no markings from a creator or maker... and so decided to leave it alone. Stepping back from it, he accidentally steps on a twig, cracking it in two. The blazing red eyes reactivate, and it notices him. Not sure what to do, Izuku waits in a tense standoff before it chitters and raises it's one undamaged wing, aiming what looked like a cannon at him. Even though he couldn't know what that was, he still moved backwards away from it as it fired, hitting the tree next to him, throwing him down a steep slope. He tumbled for a moment, but then rolled once the ground beneath him leveled out.

Groaning, he got to his feet. Great, how am I going to get back now?

He was about to start a risky climb when Izuku felt what could only be described as... a calling. Turning, he found what could only be described as a large gate further along the slope, ancient and completely different to any surviving temples in Japan. Curiosity taking over reason, he started to explore the place, using his phone as a flashlight. For something so old, it was in pristine condition.

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