Izuku's Observations

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A Week Later

The Protege, known as Tomura Shigaraki, stood before his miniature army, proclaiming their imminent victory over the heroes in the fight to come.

Izuku and Inko were a part of the crowd. They wore long cloaks, and mandalorian style masks, provided by Revan, in order to hide their own appearances. Izuku's robes were dark in color, with green and purple accents, while Inko wore black, green and white. Izuku could feel Inko's displeasure at having to work with these people, her disgust palpable to him. He pushed that feeling down, paying attention to the orders now being relayed.

The raspy voice of Shigaraki clashed with his ear drums as the man spoke. "When you enter this portal, you are helping make a new era for us all... one without heroes. I will go first!"

When Izuku and Inko arrived, they found that there was only a class of 20 people, and only two heroes. Imediately identifying Bakugo and Uraraka as part of the group, he noticed a distinctive absence. Inko noticed it too, whispering to him, "Allmight isn't here yet..."
Izuku whispered back, "He'll come, but he's not our problem..."

Inko asked, "Our role is to go to the ruins zone, right?"

"Yeah, we should head there." The two, in the confusion, headed off towards the ruins zone, unnoticed by the hero faction at the top of the stairs.

Izuku decided now, away from any listening ears, that he would remind Inko why they are even involved with this. "Right, so, we're not here to kill anyone, really. We're here to observe and try to find out more about the heroes in this class. They'll be the ones we'll probably run into the most."

She nodded.

Izuku continued, "I advise that you stay here, in the ruin zone. You're better when people don't see you so much. I'll head to a different zone, and observe another group."
"What if we meet that Uraraka girl?"
"Don't rough her up too badly. She's one of the good ones. Just... don't go overboard. Your... corruption... from before has left it's mark on you."

"Right..." They both looked out through a broken window, and noticed the portals. The villains in the square were already defeated.

"He's going to summon their weapon, I know it."

What they saw was a giant monster made from black flesh, with a beaked head and exposed brain.

"Yikes... I really hope that thing doesn't win."
"Now's not the time. We have our own objectives here." Izuku turned and left for the landslide zone.

When he arrived, Izuku found three hero students surrounded by villains.

Let's see what they do...
They didn't disappoint. The Blond prepared an attack, while the other two hid under a blanket. The resulting shock from the boy knocked out nearly every villain there. That blanket must be an insulating blanket. However, it must have caused a short circut within his brain, because he just stood there afterwards. The two girls with them checked if the coast was clear... when a villain grabbed the blond's neck, holding him hostage. Izuku waited to see what would happen, when he saw them surrender. Or at least, pretend to. When the villain laughed, Izuku could see the raven haired girl form something on the back of her arm, cleverly out of his view. The purple haired girl threw a rock to the side with her quirk, causing him to be distracted, allowing the other girl to aim the device and shoot it. It knocked the villain out, freeing the blond. The two picked up the boy under their arms, and led him back towards the center.

Jirou sighed, relieved that all of the threats were gone. "I can't believe we won there..."
Momo agreed, "That was incredibly risky, but good job on the uptake."

"I could tell you were doing something, but I wasn't sure what..."

However, just before they reached the beginning of the ruins zone, an aura washed over them. It was cold, immensely powerful, and made them freeze in place. Denki even snapped out of dummy mode due to the sheer danger faced at this very moment. Before they could react, all of them were quickly lifted into the air, separated, and frozen with their arms and legs bound by some invisible force.

Then they saw him.

The dark robes were what they saw first. A gauntleted hand gripping the air, the indication that he was using his power against them. He wore armor under the cloak, the same color scheme as the mask. The angular, emotionless mask. Black base, with green and purple accents. A dark visor covered where the eyes would be.

Jirou, the one able to withstand this aura the best, called out to them. "What do you want?!"

His voice was filtered, "I am not going to kill you, so you do not need to be afraid."

Jirou, still able to speak, asked, "Then why?"
"I want to get a better look at those who will be influential in the future..." He strode slowly around them, analyzing them. They paled as he broke their appearance and abilities down quickly and efficiently. "Purple hair, headphone jacks, can be used as alternate limbs... sensitive hearing... that's how you threw the distraction. Black hair... creation quirk... looks like ancient hero Creati... probably similar quirk. Yellow/Blond hair, Electrification... with a paralyzing downside... You three have potential in the future..." To himself, he whispered, "You may be... useful..." He lowered them gently to the ground. "Your survival today means nothing to me. Go."

They went as quickly as they could, not daring to look back. If they did, they feared he might change his mind.

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